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I've been thinking.......
5/20/2008 12:44:04 PM

That sounds scary, doesn't it? 

Well, not really.  What I have been thinking about is how so many people in the MLM industry just seem to fail or fall off.  It is discouraging, not in a way that makes me want to quit, but in a way that I feel badly for these people.  Most of those that fall off are victims of the not knowing what to do or the not knowing how to do it.  Let's face it, network marketing is changing faster than ever with the advance of the internet.

If you have read my profile and any of my other posts, you will know that I want people to succeed and I want to do anything that I can to help them.  There are many VERY knowledgeable people here and I am merely someone who is here to advance my business, as is everyone else, but at the same time, I am not pushing my opportunity on anyone.  You see, I feel that if someone is truly interested in what my business has to offer, whether it is the opportunity end or whether it is the health end, they will go visit my website and order or sign up or call me.  That is kind of off the issue here though, so let me get back on track.

I have been learning how to EFFECTIVELY market my website, Ohh, for probably 9 months or so now.  I have learned not only the techniques that most of the very advanced marketers use, but I have actually applied them, tried them and tested them.  It brought me down to a good handful of techniques that I KNOW pull traffic into my website, AND THEY ARE ALL FREE, and armed with that knowledge, I set out to not only grow my business, but to share what I know and use with those who want to know.  I have visited profiles in many places and have seen that SO MANY people were on the right track only to give up.  Why? Only they know, but it is my desire to give them information that they can USE, APPLY, and STICK WITH to start getting results.

Don't get me wrong, I am here to build my business too, but once again, it is not through a "My opportunity is better, so join mine" type of deal because basically EVERY opportunity is good.  People just need to be taught, led, and continually coached.  I think of where I might be right now if my SPONSOR, and I say sponsor not the person who brought me into this business because he stuck with me, would have just brought me into my business.

With his help, guidance and encouragement I am now one of those people call for help.  I enjoy seeing people succeed.

Talk to you again soon,

Timothy Vigil

Timothy N. Vigil Wellness Experience Coach Helping people feel the vitality of yesteryear, improving life with health, wellness and wealth.

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