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Believing you have what it takes.
5/10/2008 9:22:05 AM

For those of you who have read my profile or know much about me, you would know that in the corporate world I was pretty successful.  Believing that I could be successful in any position, any company, and any industry that I was in, all I needed to do was learn more about what I was involved in.  I have been someone in charge of people for years, but making the switch from corporate America to network marketing was somewhat tougher than I thought.

Why?  If I could be successful in "making someone else richer", why was it so tough to learn how to apply that and make myself rich in my own MLM business?  It took me some time, as you might know about me, I pretty much sat on the sideline for the first 18 months that I was in Synergy Worldwide.  For some reason, I just couldn't grasp how to become successful in MLM.  I started reading that only 2% ever REALLY make it in network marketing, and boy was that discouraging.  Yet, I knew that there had to be a way to become successful, and it all starts with me.  I had to change.  Change from being a "boss/employee" mentality to being a "servant/teacher" mentality.

Well how could I be a teacher if I didn't really know anything?  How could I be a servant when all I knew was how to be a boss?  Don't get me wrong, I am not a look at the bottom line only kind of boss, I led and taught what I knew to get managers and asst. managers to higher levels, but I couldn't see how to get that switched over to network marketing.  It's surprising to me that my sponsor took the time to help me see the whole picture.  How he must have been frustrated with me just sitting there, waiting for SOMETHING, anything to happen.

It was then that I decided to find out what it takes to market my opportunity on line.  That was a key first step, because the stuff I now know compared to 2 years ago.......let's just say that I understand things a lot better.  Well I spent TIME learning strategies to get free traffic/leads and paid traffic/leads.  I made the mistake of paying for leads ONE TIME, believe me, I will never do that again.  So now I had this knowledge on how to generate traffic, get targeted traffic and leads to my website, and so now I have something that I can teach.  I soon started sharing my success and techniques with other members of my "up line" and "sideline" and my down line.  "Well why would you share it with your up line and sideline instead of just your down line, Tim?" you may ask.  I learned not only traffic generation strategies, but I also learned that giving, NOT SELLING, the knowledge that took me so long to get, is what was going to propel my business to new heights.

Having a servants heart, teaching others, coaching others, helping others, it is the same as what the bible teaches, and that is what I do now.  I have gone to different cities and given workshops on how to generate traffic, and I am SO pleased when someone e-mails me and thanks me and tells me that they are now having success using the techniques that I taught them.  That alone is worth more to me than money.  You know the interesting part?  It is stuff that probably most of you know, stuff that anyone can learn, but most people either don't have the time or are just plain scared.  I probably use most of the same techniques many of you use, but once it is taught in a step by step process, people are amazed and SO THANKFUL.

I am thankful for that one day, the day that I made a decision AND TOOK ACTION to learn and apply.  You want to grow your business, do the same thing.  Make a decision, take action, apply it and teach it SELFLESSLY.  You will be amazed with the results.

I hope that this was informative, encouraging and useful for you.  Feel free to leave a response, good or bad, I love feedback.


Timothy Vigil


Timothy N. Vigil Wellness Experience Coach Helping people feel the vitality of yesteryear, improving life with health, wellness and wealth.

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