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I'm coming out of Rock n Roll Retirement!
4/29/2008 2:03:00 AM
I'm coming out of Rock n Roll Retirement! As luck would have it I will be entering into that Rock n Roll arena once again. Ronnie Younkins, the Song writer and Lead Guitarist of the Rock n Roll group KIX has a another band called Blues Vultures. Well, I now have the seat of drummer in the band.

Granted, I ONLY have 2 CDs worth of songs to learn that was written and recorded by this band. Their first CD, The Lack of Luxury, was under another band name called The Slimmer Twins. Their 2nd CD, Cheap Guitars and Honky Tonk Bars, was recorded under the current name.

And then cover tunes in their repetoire from AC/DC, Aerosmith, The Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Free, The Beatles, Alice Cooper, Bad Company, Johnny Thunders, Bo Diddley, The Kinks, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zepplin, Lenny Kravitz, Rod Stewart, Otis Redding, T Rex, Ted Nugent, Wilson Pickett, The Ramones and The Who will have to be polished up and ready.

My first stage appearance with them will be May 10th, 2008 in Martinsburg, W.VA. Be sure to watch their website for updates and find out where we will be playing next. Other states on the schedule are Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia. If you are close enough to a show stop in and say hi and introduce yourself.

See you in the audience.


Want A really cool dancin' party band? Book us for your next event. Contact me at !BluesVultures[at]! for details. Remove the !. Then remove [at] and replace with @. This is done here this way to block spiders and bots from reading the email address so I don't get SPAMMED.

Re: I'm coming out of Rock n Roll Retirement!
4/29/2008 7:11:29 AM
Best of Luck with your new venture.  It sounds like so much fun.  Whish I could come and see it.
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Re: I'm coming out of Rock n Roll Retirement!
4/29/2008 12:50:18 PM


Sounds great sounds like you are also going to enjoy it ,,, Thank you for sharing with us and I wish Your Band continued success . Gods speed :-) Lee

Judy Smith

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Re: I'm coming out of Rock n Roll Retirement!
4/29/2008 3:28:07 PM

Hi Ken,

I can almost feel that BIG GRIN you have on your face.  I don't think I have ever sensed so much excitement and passion in you as in this post!!!

Martinsburg, W VA is on my way to my halfway point to meet my Sister, but your timing is a bit off - I will have to keep my eye on website and hope that you will fill us in as to your whereabouts.    I can tell you are really looking forward to this new chapter in your life!!!

God Speed, my friend!


Re: I'm coming out of Rock n Roll Retirement!
4/29/2008 3:30:53 PM
Have A Good Day!!


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