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The Key To Success
4/23/2008 1:40:33 AM

The key to success actually is you. You are the key to your own success. If you cannot turn yourself on, then you are going nowhere.

Some people claim that other people turn them on. But this is not true. It is one of those misconceptions that prevail.

People get infatuated with their ideals and think they are in love. When the reality hits home and the person sees the spotted walls by Hu Flungdung, then what was called love suddenly disappears.

The key to a successful relationship starts with yourself. If you love somebody for the right reasons then you will always love that person. 

Many people love another person for themselves and not because they truly love the other person.

When they say, "I love you", they mean "I love you for myself". When the reality hits home, the relationship is over.

Success is the same. The key lies with you. Nobody else is going to do it for you.

But just as some people can love you for yourself, which is true love, it is possible that another person might be able to help you turn the key to success in your life and help you open the door to new beginnings.

It is all about you, and you turning your key, and opening your door to get the success flowing.

Does this make sense.

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