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Hopefully this Ones a Bit Different
4/17/2008 7:38:30 PM

Whats that, a bit different?, what business is a bit different than the others??

Opps, Sorry if I got you a bit to excited, but I'm going to tell you the secret, there isn't a business that pays...WHAT??? Thats right, not a business that pays, but there are many businesses that pay! You see the truth is I'm not even going to pitch a business to you, you can find plenty I'm sure you have, the bottom line is this, your success in any business is in direct corrallation to the effort you put in, effort must be directed, and abilities you possess, before hoping into any business you must first detemine what type of business duits you, Direct Sales, MLM, Website development (ie Adsense), Affiliate Marketing, I think you get the point.

Although there are companies out there that will take your money and run the truth is most are legit, people do make money, and you can too...

I recently took down ALL my websites, WHY, because I hoped on board with a mentoring group (not one you have heard of, not one I'll mention, and found out 90% of what I was doing was spinning my wheels)

Here is my suggestion...

If you want to join an MLM... Learn first what your weaknesses are, if you hate talking on the phone, buy books on telemarketing, or take a part time job telemarketing ( Iknow this sounds crazy, BUT, 2 things happen, 1) you learn to become comfortable making calls, 2) It opens a world of potential prospects for your venture)

If you want to be an affiliate marketer, Find out who the top Affiliate marketers are, there are TONS of products to sell found out how they do it.

I won't go on but I think you get the point, It starts with you, prepare yourself to succeed, pick a path focus and Don't stop tell you succeed.

Have a fantastic day,

