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Who was the most influential person in your life?
4/13/2008 7:29:46 PM

Who would you say is or was the most influential person in your professional or personal business career?

I'll tell you that probably the most influential person in my business and professional life was and still is my personal sponsor in my business.  Ron had all the faith in me, even at my lowest activity level.  He never gave up on me, and continued to encourage me.  Even though I was not quite ready to go after my "dream" at the time, he still gently encouraged me and would call just to see how I was doing.  I knew that he was sincere about my success and well being.  I wasn't just another number in his down line.

Once I was ready, I started learning the business and absorbing information like a sponge.  I then start on a learning rampage to learn how to SUCCESSFULLY market my website on line.  Even though Ron didn't see what I was doing behind the scenes, learning this marketing stuff, he continued to support me.

I finally got the knowledge, wisdom, understanding, whatever you want to call it.  I started to really accelerate in my business, and I sat down with Ron and showed him ALL the techniques I was using.  At first, he wasn't really sure I was on the right track, but when he saw how I was progressing, the traffic I was getting, and the leads that were dropping into my dashboard, he flipped.  Together, we have made it a personal mission to bring everyone in our down lines to the highest level achievable.

The funny thing is, all the techniques are basic, BUT WOW, they do work!!  I realized that 95% of all internet network marketers don't know the basics.  I have set up workshops through out our region showing people these techniques.  I hope to teach as many people as I possibly can (those who want to learn) to help them become more successful.

We all have someone that we would like to emulate, who is yours?

Timothy Vigil

Timothy N. Vigil Wellness Experience Coach Helping people feel the vitality of yesteryear, improving life with health, wellness and wealth.

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