Lovely Clip from Enya Georgios. As for the Deer seeking revenge, why not it is protecting it`s territory. It is like the sharks coming into waters in the sea to very close into the beaches. Some Humans want them to be killed. Why should they be? They are there for a reason as Man as gone too far and I believe Mother Nature is fighting back. This year many odd things have been happening in the animal kingdom. Birds and other creatures also. I believe as humans we should respect everything that our Creator has created and this has not been happening. Now is the time to start or we will, reap, what we have sown and this also means all of the environmental damage we have done and is still being down. God helps those who help themselves. If we do not do what is right then we will all reap what has been done that is against God and his kingdom. I could go on for ages about this, but I will not due to time, but the warning signs are out there. Keith.