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Welcome To AdlandPro's Fourth Weekly Awards Presentation Forum! The Hottest New Forum At AdlandPro!
9/9/2006 11:51:22 AM

Hello Everyone! Smiley


This is John Sanchez welcoming you to our 4th edition of the Weekly Awards Presentation!

Folks, I put together an awesome Team to help me select individuals that deserve special recognition for their work at AdlandPro and for their unique skills or talents that make AdlandPro an interesting place to keep coming back to.

Here's the awesome team that I have put together:



Deborah Skovron


Nan Herring




Marilyn Ali




Carla Cash







Arild Haukeland





Dr. Venerina Conti


And I


John Sanchez

Creator of  AdlandPro's Weekly Awards Forum




Michael Rogers



 And Love!

Excellence, Dedication, and Love, that's what the Awards Team is about!


Thank you Team for getting your nominations to me on time.


These are the Awards that will be presented:

The Pillar of the Community Award-- this award will be awarded to an individual who has been in the community for at least a year and who has been a respected leader at AdlandPro. The Awarded will be someone which the community wouldn’t be the same without, an active member who contributes to Adland’s greatness.



The Triple Crown Award -- this award will be awarded to individuals who are on the list of Top Posters and Most Friendly and who are a former POTW or who are currently a Power Member or Advisor.




The Golden Heart Award – This is as you guessed, it is an award for those individuals who are just darn right sweet and helpful, true Humanitarians and Good Samaritans.



AdlandPro's Special Talent Award



AdlandPro's Special Talent Award – This one will be awarded to individuals for different reasons or to highlight a special talent they have like being very funny, or very creative, etc.


Folks, there are so many members here that haven't gotten a POTW award but deserve an award for their efforts to make AdlandPro a better community. I hate to see them go so long without receiving anything, so to acknowlege their contributions to the community I've created the Award below.  


The Award is:



AdlandPro's Active Members Recognition Award

It will also be known as the "Fabulous Four Award" because it will be awarded to four members each week.


There are many active Members at AdlandPro that add to the special atmoshpere here. It's these folks besides the POTW's that make this community better than all the other communities. There isn't any other community like ours and it's because of folks like you, so this is the special Award I came up with to acknowledge those who aren't yet POTW's but are none the less very important in making AdlandPro what it is today. 


And now for this week's Awards Presentation!!!




This week's Pillar of the

Community Award goes to

Michael Dela Cruz of

AdlandPro's Support &

Administration Team for the

great work he does on the Website and for always being

so helpful when members have questions about the Site's features.













This week Kathy Martin gets the Trip Crown Award for being 3rd in Most Posts and 35th in Most Friends. Kathy is also a former POTW and currently a Power Team member.















This week's Golden Heart Award goes to Ana Maria Padurean for being one of the Sweetest and most Helpful members of the Community.













AdlandPro's Special Talent Award goes to Carla Cash for her beautiful Poetry.




















Kathleen Van Beekom


Kathy Cuenca


Nick Sym


Linda Miller


These are the Winners of the "Fabulous Four Award" aka AdlandPro's Active Members Recognition Award.

























Well there you have it folks! We hope you have enjoyed this week's edition of AdlandPro's Weekly Awards Presentation. Please take the time to invite these folks to be your friend and please congratulate them on their award!


If you missed the first three Awards forums you can still go post your Congrats at:


First Edition


Second Edition


Third Edition


And Folks! If you hurry you can still vote for the 61st POTW at:


61st POTW Poll


Thank you so much for your participation! Smiley

Love and blessings from John Sanchez and  AdlandPro's Weekly Awards Presentation Team

Deborah Skovron

2979 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
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Re: Welcome To AdlandPro's Fourth Weekly Awards Presentation Forum! The Hottest New Forum At AdlandPro!
9/9/2006 12:00:56 PM

Hello Everybody,

            myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

What an outstanding group we have this week!!!!

Congratulations to each and everyone of you.myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Your Good Friend



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Re: Welcome To AdlandPro's Fourth Weekly Awards Presentation Forum! The Hottest New Forum At AdlandPro!
9/9/2006 12:10:23 PM

Congratulations to All!

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsWhy not Papierre

Re: Welcome To AdlandPro's Fourth Weekly Awards Presentation Forum! The Hottest New Forum At AdlandPro!
9/9/2006 12:14:51 PM
Hosted by


Special Congrats to Pillar No.3 - You are doing a
VERY good job on the system and fro the
community Michael.

Hugs to all :-)


Best regards
Scott Reynolds

493 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To AdlandPro's Fourth Weekly Awards Presentation Forum! The Hottest New Forum At AdlandPro!
9/9/2006 12:15:26 PM
Hi John and Awards Team,

As always, Well deserving awards!

Congratulations Everyone!!