
Who is Gwyndaf Jones?

Gwyndaf Jones

Gwyndaf Jones
BirthdayMonday, June 07, 1948
Member SinceSaturday, June 30, 2007
Last ActivityTuesday, June 26, 2012
LocationPwllheli, Gwynedd, United Kingdom United Kingdom
About Me
About Me
Hi fellow AdlandPro members,

My name's Gwyndaf Jones and I am based in Wales in the UK.

I am a retired Civil Servant, who started network marketing a couple of years ago to supplement my pension. I have teamed up with top marketers Darren Salkeld and Mike Antoni { the best coaches online today ~ bar none} and I am currently promoting my new business Free Quick Cash Videos

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Josh Engel - (1/13/2011 6:27:38 PM) : Have a great time Gwyndaf building your business
Ralph White - (1/12/2011 4:17:46 PM) : Hello fellow member. Hope you have a great day!!
Iacovino Rosario - (12/6/2010 3:38:40 PM) : Prelancio mondiale nuovissimo NETWORK; prodotto: applicazione per PC che rivoluzionerà il web. piano di compensazione molto simile a mandura, sono iscritto 4 gg. fa e ho già circa 2000 iscritti nella mia linea mondiale:
