
Who is Michael Kelly?

Michael Kelly

Michael Kelly
BirthdayThursday, October 12, 1961
Member SinceFriday, July 13, 2007
Last ActivityTuesday, July 15, 2008
LocationManassas, Virginia, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

I presently live in Virginia and have two children.  I served proudly for 21 years in the US Air Force and have since moved on to a career in the "real world." ;-)  I own and/or manage a successful online advertising business,
I have been involved in network marketing in one form or another, for many years, both on and off the Internet.  My success has ranged from very little to ever increasing degrees as I learn more, invest more of myself, and expose myself to more possibilities and really listen.  What they say about being teachable and duplicatible is True with a capital "T!" ;-) 
Most of us error in that we almost always, though often unintentionally, try to put our own touches on things and end up becoming frustrated because it doesn't work.  I think it's in us to want to be individuals and unique in our own right, and so we often sabotage our own success without even realizing it.  One key is a always begin duplicating what others have demonstrated works.
Another key is to never shrink your dream circle to match your money circle, but instead continuously seek to expand your money circle to match your dream circle.  Never accept or think in terms of "I can't" or "I don't know how," because your mind will quit working on a solution.  If you instead think in terms of "How can I?" or "What if I could?" then you allow your mind to continue to work subconsciously on a solution, even as you are doing other things.


Never forget network marketing is still and always will be about touching people, and that's what makes it so powerful.  Nothing will ever take the place of personal interaction and the more personable you are and the more you make people feel that they are special, the more loyal they will remain to you.  It's a highly competetive world and if you want to standout from the crowd one of the ways to do that is to not only send them thankyou cards, but also remember them on their special occasions; birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. I've found there's no easier way to do this than through SendOutCards.


SendOutCards does everything better... high quality, personalized with their name, your words, and your own photos if you wish, all with no hassles (no driving to the store {have you checked those gas prices lately?} and no need to go purchase stamps), and less expensive to boot! 


These are real cards sent for you by SendOutCards... they take are of everything... they stuff the envelopes with your custom personalized cards, and mail them for you.


Imagine sending out Christmas cards to all your friends and family, with a photo of your family printed inside the card, with the name(s) of the people you are sending to, all sent with a push of a button for less than it costs to buy a box of cards.


Who couldn't use more convenience while saving money?


And, do you think it's more likely that someone who receives a personalized card with your family photo inside will keep it?  You bet it is!


The business implications go way beyond too.  SendOutCards allows you to setup campaigns with automatic reminders. No more missed events (birthdays, anniversaries, etc).  Plus a business can automatically remind their customers about them by setting up campaigns to send out different cards automatically at certain times of the year.  They can be "thank you" cards, Christmas cards, a special advertising event, etc.  SendOutCards even has an upgrade feature where you can put your own images on the front of the card... a family photo, a business logo, and advertising message, etc.


The possibilities are limitless and the target customer base is literally everyone... your neighbor, your boss, your co-worker, your friends, your pastor, etc.  And unlike many high priced products that people are leery of, with SendOutCards they'll thank you for saving them time and money on a better way of sending cards.


Take a  look at SendOutCards today -- you'll be glad you did!


Contact me and ask me for a FREE SendOutCards Gift Account so you can see for yourself how great this service really is.



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Cheryl Maples - (10/12/2011 4:07:25 AM) : Happy Birthday, Michael! Enjoy your special day! Cheryl
Cheryl Maples - (10/12/2010 4:35:21 AM) : Happy Birthday, Michael! Have a great day! Cheryl
Bob And Shirley Rushing - (12/5/2007 12:04:52 AM) : Hello,
Happy Holidays my friend
Shirley Rushing
Joelees Wholesale - (7/18/2007 11:57:56 AM) : Hi Michael,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
