
Who is T Reed?

T Reed

T Reed
Member SinceThursday, December 14, 2006
Last ActivityThursday, March 22, 2007
LocationMonmouth, Maine, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

I got involved in on line marketing a few months ago.  I wanted to do data entry and I was in for a major surprise there, it was not what I was looking for.  I tried to follow their plan but it was way over my head.


So I became involved with ForteBuilderMarketing and then AcaiPlus. 


I like both programs.  Some days though it feels like I am climbing a mountain when it comes to specific pre-enrollers who seem to want something for nothing, and don't realize the benefits of being in a good business, I will help do my part in building the main success line, but I am not going to pay for their leads or their product and this is the hardest thing to get through to people.  Something for Nothing. 

Have a Great day

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Terry Davis - (2/8/2007 12:14:39 AM) : We are neighbors (We live in Park Forest). I will check out your sites!
T Reed - (2/8/2007 12:14:39 AM) : well thank you. If you cant tell I like products containing the Acai berry. Hope you are staying warm.
Roger Ketcham - (12/29/2006 7:45:21 PM) : new look
T Reed - (12/29/2006 7:45:21 PM) : thank you for the rating, I had no idea that was part of adlanderpro

Have a forte day



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