
Who is Loraine Kilpatrick?

Loraine Kilpatrick

Loraine Kilpatrick
Member SinceSaturday, June 02, 2007
Last ActivitySaturday, November 10, 2007
LocationHoliday, Florida, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me
I work in network marketing and volunteer with the special needs population. I Mentor people who are interested in earning additional income from home. This is my way of giving back.. pay it forward...I want you to be successful and achieve all your goals, dreams and desires. I've tried Network Marketing in the past and looked for answers from my up line. I came to the realization that they wanted me to line their pockets with money, that's all. It is my goal to find successful, honest, motivated people in my life. I receive that with Mentoring For Free. Join me on our free coaching and training calls Monday through Thursday, 3pm and 8 pm EST. Saturday interview call to learn about compensation plans, personality types 5 pillars company and more. Miss a call I'll send you a recording. We offer the best in the industry. We invite anyone from any company selling any product. If you are struggling , tell yourself "I'm worth it", "I deserve it". Ask yourself " What's in my control?" " What's not in my control?" Download my free e-book
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