
Who is Malcolm Green?

Malcolm Green

Malcolm Green
BirthdayFriday, October 30, 1942
Member SinceFriday, November 25, 2011
Last ActivityFriday, October 30, 2015
LocationNorth York, Ontario, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me

I am An expatriate Brit, retired and pottering around making a wee bit of extra income from Passive and lowcost programs on the 'net.

My Interests
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Eric Hansen - (1/26/2012 11:31:08 PM) : Hi Mal, Nice to catch up with you,I see you're looking for "passive Income" it's actually a new Fad Phrase online! Nothing is passive but all Pro-Active in different ways, so beware when you see Lazy.. Easy, Passive on the net! Enough said, here's the closest to what you and I am seeking...My friend and mentor Frank Jones is As Honest as you'll ever find. Eric
Roger Bjornerud - (12/18/2011 1:41:37 PM) : Thank you for connecting with me Malcolm :)
Ralph White - (12/1/2011 5:42:17 PM) : Have A Great Day
La Nell ! - (12/1/2011 1:57:38 AM) : Hi Malcolm, Nice to meet you. LaNell
Michael... Clayton - (11/29/2011 2:09:13 AM) : Hi Malcolm be nice to have you as a friend. Please visit my main forum thread and post your opportunities so many more members can get to know what you do online. Just click on forum on my profile and look for the main thread. You are also welcome to join Regards Michael
Toto Jerry - (11/26/2011 9:32:27 AM) : Hi Malcolm, This is a Very lucrative business opportunity in cosmetics you should have a look... Here is the address in CANADA : 1085 Bellamy Rd. N, Suite 14 Toronto, ON M1H 3C7 Also visit the blog for more information.
Cheryl Maples - (11/26/2011 12:26:24 AM) : Hello Malcolm, It's a pleasure to welcome you to our friendly community. Much success to you, Cheryl
