
Who is Cornelis Van Schayk?

Cornelis Van Schayk

Cornelis Van Schayk
Member SinceSaturday, February 18, 2006
Last ActivityThursday, February 27, 2014
LocationMarcus Beach, Queensland, Australia Australia
About Me
About Me
  • I am in my silver time of age, of my,live in QLD Australia for 22 years now, married for 52 years and still going strong all,s a x builder, fixing problems op all around the home, we have 4 kids 2 girls 2 boys and 8 grand kiddies now. My main promotions sites are! Not to be overlooked. For some great sites to pick from. Cornelis. van in qld australia.
  • My Interests
    My Interests (5)
    Industries: Networking
    Comments (6)
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    Roger Bjornerud - (4/6/2012 10:36:30 AM) : New profilepicture Cornelis? :)
    Cornelis Van Schayk - (3/29/2012 3:18:24 AM) : Theo the site you need to earn some good income all,s a pro member is! cost $197 usa but get $150 back when a new member join you over and over!promote for you ay 24/7 to. from kees 29/03/2012
    Theo Jaspers - (3/26/2012 8:13:51 AM) : Hoi Cornelis , thank you for the invitation , i am new to this siteso i do not know how to maken some cash here maybe you can help me out, if you can do it in dutch greetz Theo Jaspers Hoogerheide
    Bhavesh Nasit - (5/24/2010 6:57:45 AM) :
    Arve Thornes - (5/7/2010 5:51:16 AM) : Hi Cornelis.Thanks for friends invitation.Check out my profile if there is something of interest for you.Have a great day.
    Michael... Clayton - (1/14/2010 2:20:27 PM) : Hi Cornelis nice to have you as a friend. Please visit my main forum thread and post your opportunities so many more members can get to know what you do online. Just click on forum on my profile and look for the main thread. You are also welcome to join Regards Michael


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