
Who is Ernest Creel?

Ernest Creel

Ernest Creel
BirthdayFriday, February 23, 1945
Member SinceMonday, March 06, 2006
Last ActivityFriday, December 21, 2007
LocationLake City, Florida, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

I am just a little fat guy that works from his home. I take care of two cats, two businesses and a lovely wife (Cathey).

I am a computer and video freak. I have a video business Keepsake Video Productions and a communications network for around the world TOTALVIEWNOW , VIOP "IGONET" Independent Rep and WATKINS Distributor. Really keeps me busy!

I come from Philadelphia originally, but have lived in many states up and down the east coast. Most of my life has been spent in Florida. 1960-1987 and then 2000-current..

I have been a police officer (Palm Beach County Florida 8 years) a private investigator (10years) and the Chief Investigator for the Cole County Public Defenders Office (Jefferson City Missouri 11 years).

I am semi retired right now (from State of Missouri) and getting ready to take my Social Security next year.

Am I boring you yet??? <grin>

I have some of my investigative and police stories on a blog, but I can't remember the address right this minute. If you would like to read some of them drop me a line and I will get the address.

I am also a avid photographer anb have taken thousands of photos.  I will be putting some of them up on the picture thingy (?)

That's about it for now. You all have a great day and God Bless

Ernie Creel

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