
Who is Steve Azevedo?

Steve Azevedo

Steve Azevedo
Member SinceFriday, October 20, 2006
Last ActivityThursday, March 29, 2007
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me
Certified Life and Business coach NLP advanced Master practitioner Hypnotisme
My Interests
My Interests (3)
Interests: Bizopp, Internet
Industries: Self-Development
Comments (6)
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Forums (5)
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Kathy Hamilton - (11/10/2006 7:14:10 PM) : Hello Steve,
Thank you. you were amazing,Im glad we are friends,Kathy
Marion Tucker - (10/24/2006 8:28:09 PM) : Hello Steve,

Wow, thanks for the wonderful rating you gave me. Wonderful to have you here and you don't have to give me anything as I am here to help you! Just send me a personal message if you need me.

God Bless!
Joelees Wholesale - (10/24/2006 5:18:25 PM) : Hi Steve,
I'm honored be to a member of your adland family God speed my new friend :-)Lee
Steve Azevedo - (10/24/2006 5:18:25 PM) : Thanks alot for that . thats sweet .....
i give you 2 sessions now as a gift
Steve Azevedo - (10/24/2006 4:35:36 PM) : Thanks carl
Now i give you 2 session as a gift


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