
Who is Betty Arrington?

Betty Arrington

Betty Arrington
BirthdayMonday, December 29, 1952
Member SinceMonday, September 17, 2007
Last ActivityMonday, January 24, 2011
LocationTemple City, California, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me





Hello friend,


My name is Betty and I would like to tell you a little something about myself. I am  a retired customer service professional. I worked in the corporate industry for over 18 yrs.  I have 3 children two daughters and a son.  I wanted to do something different with my career so I decided I wanted to start a Home Based Business. So here I am giving it everything I got. Wish Me Luck:)



God Bless, 

Betty b




My Favorite Soul Inspired Flash Movie Clips
Compliments of YOUTUBE.COM

The Secret Law of Attraction and Your Dream Life

The Secret: 1st 20 minutes

Inspired Movie Clips From Simple Truths.Com


Simple Truths.Com (movie clips)

"It's Your Life! Live It Well! "


My MlM Business Splash Movie


My Poetry Site


Sometime we need a ending to have a new beginning


One Of  My Blogs 


My Interests
My Interests (26)
Comments (8)
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Cheryl Maples - (12/29/2010 4:31:26 AM) : Happy Birthday, Betty! Have a great day! Cheryl
Jack Sunshine - (4/8/2010 6:51:33 PM) : Work from home opportunity Become a Distributor and start you own at home jewelry business selling to, friends, neighbors and business associates. It's easy and it's fun to earn money as a Distributor. For more Information or a FREE catalog CALL : 1-800-767-4469
Bob And Shirley Rushing - (12/4/2007 12:26:43 PM) : Hello,
Happy Holidays my friend
Shirley Rushing
Betty Arrington - (12/4/2007 12:26:43 PM) : Happy Holidays Shirley,

May God Bless You and Your This Holiday Season.

Thank you so much for the rating, it is greatly appreciated.


Betty b
Sharon Lee - (10/11/2007 3:27:33 PM) : Welcome to Adlandpro Betty. I Love Positive People!! I hope to read some more of your Positive postings. I rate you only a 10,,Because they don't have 100 here. You would get that from me if they did!!
Peace my friend, Sharon
Betty Arrington - (10/11/2007 3:27:33 PM) : Hello Sharon and your Love one,

Thank you so much for your vote. I wish I could take credit, but it's through God's spirit I can keep a positive attitude:) Thank you again and I promise not to let you down with the postings:) I will try to update often.

May God continue to bless you and yours.

Peace to you as well , Sharon

Betty b:)
Neil Sperling - (10/8/2007 9:31:21 AM) : Thanks for the terrific warm PM - You deserve the 10 for that alone!
Betty Arrington - (10/8/2007 9:31:21 AM) :

Thanks again Neil and May God continue to bless you and yours. WOW ! you gave me a 10. Let me go find something to prop up my head. LOL

Thanks again,

Betty b


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