
Who is Chris Tryon?

Chris Tryon

Chris Tryon
BirthdayWednesday, March 11, 1964
Member SinceWednesday, October 22, 2008
Last ActivityFriday, February 27, 2009
LocationOlmsted Falls , Ohio, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

I am the mother of  3 sons, ages 21, 19 and 14.  I have been interested in natural remedies and healing for the better part of two decades.  I enjoy helping others.  My husband and I have been married for 23 years.  I enjoy reading, talking on the phone, (I have been a professional telemarketer for a long time.)  I am also a natural health FANATIC.  I love all-natural products and remedies.  I also love jerky.  Check out my blog or web page for more information.   You can also follow me on Twitter at and


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Cheryl Maples - (3/11/2011 6:35:36 AM) : Happy Birthday, Chris! Enjoy your day! Cheryl
Cheryl Maples - (3/12/2010 6:19:40 AM) : Happy Birthday, Chris! Have a great day! Cheryl


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