
Who is Samuel Omweri?

Samuel Omweri

Samuel Omweri
Member SinceTuesday, September 18, 2007
Last ActivitySunday, May 06, 2012
LocationKisumu, Kisumu, Kenya Kenya
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
My Interests
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Ralph White - (5/6/2012 8:20:37 AM) : Have A Great Day
Samuel Omweri - (10/12/2010 7:21:37 AM) : Hi Gaby I,m happy to write this maili, wrote a mail some days back , sorry to have delayed repply Now sister Gaby i,m very interested to trade in U.S.A., How will assist me market my handcrafts there and get something to surport children school fees and family needs? surely i,m ready to work with any body ready in the field and faithful person Thanks Samuel omweri from kenya
Gabrielle Brothers - (1/15/2008 1:12:46 PM) : Hello Samuel,

I have looked at your web page, it's very interesting. The work is magnificent. Thanks for being my friend.

