
Who is Lilly H.?

Lilly H.

Lilly H.
Member SinceWednesday, March 08, 2006
Last ActivityFriday, June 15, 2007
LocationPembroke Pines, Florida, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

I'm Honest and Straight forward.

I believe in building Integrity amongst Acquaintances.

I don't like "Human Clicks" and I don't get involved with any. I Choose to remain a "Click"with

the Father, Son, and HolyGhost.  That's the only "Click" I'll cleave to and remain a faithful part of.

I believe in treating all peoples with dignity and respect.

I love seeing people happy and getting a "break" in life.

I am patient and can wait to be Blessed from GOD above; I do realize that He has other

children that He desires to Bless too.

I like sharing information, for the good.

I don't believe in deceiving people and I strongly dislike deceivers and being deceived.

It's not important for me to be "Famous" here at Adlandpro; just to share what I know

and to learn from others as well.

Humbly and Simply put:  "I Love Who I Am and to Whom I Belong".

GOD Bless Everyone;  Lilly 

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Kathy Hamilton - (5/15/2007 2:34:05 PM) : welcome glad you are here,I am Adlands Angel Im here if you need anything,just ask.Kathy
