
Who is Don L. Price?

Don L. Price

Don L. Price
Member SinceFriday, June 24, 2005
Last ActivitySunday, April 15, 2018
LocationBurbank, California, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me
News Flash - The power of trance can no longer be disputed, a psychiatrist at Stanford University says. Now we just have to use it -- DISCOVER Vol. 25 No. 11 | November 2004 | Mind & Brain

    Don L. Price: Coaching Minds To Succeed - Professional Speaker, Arthor, Sales/Marketing Strategist and Mental Fitness Life Coach

    You can create a new wave of life experiences for BREAKING OUT OF THE PROCRASTINATION MAZE and step into GOAL ACHIEVEMENT
    today by re-educating your habits of thought and become more successful in every area of life.

    When you stop arguing for lack and limitations you will experience greater SUCCESS in your life.

With Don L. Price

Customized Private Sessions - Office - Phone - Internet
All sessions include a "Personal Hypnosis Recording"
Needs Assessment and Follow-up Consultation.
Call 1-800-SUCCEED (800-782-2333)

Imagine changing your thinking to get anything you want.
There is no hocus-pocus involved, and the ONLY tool you will need is your MIND. Sound too easy?
Prepare to be amazed both by the power of your mind to shape who you can become,
and by the power you have to guide it.

    Imagine what it would mean for you to:

    • Re-Educate your mind to overcome the potential
      fear of rejection, fear of public speaking,
      tough negotiations and sharpen your mental strategies
    • Increase self-confidence and motivation and learn the
      Secrets of Persuasion and Influence
    • Turn Goal Setting into Sales Achievement
    • Shatter stress-related anxieties and phobias
    • Rekindle your enthusiasm and put greater balance
      in your personal, family and business life
    • Improve your decision-making and develop your
      Skills To Communicate With Power
    • Overcome Shyness
    • Have the best sex life ever!

    • Call me at: 1-800-Succeed (800-782-2333) in Burbank, CA

    Hypmovation Training Institute
    My Blog Site
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Vessie Hartzog - (6/16/2007 9:24:46 PM) : Hi Don,
Thank you for being my friend!
All the best !
your new friend
Don L. Price - (6/16/2007 9:24:46 PM) : Hi Vessie,

WoW! Thanks for the 10... I appreciate it!

Please go to and sign my guestbook and I will send you a big gift.

Joelees Wholesale - (6/13/2007 2:44:11 PM) : Hi Don,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Don L. Price - (6/13/2007 2:44:11 PM) : Lee,

Thanks for the 10! make sure you sign my guestbook at
and I'll send you the page with two audio recordings-- Inner Peace and Wealth and Dream Your Way to Success.

Don L. Price - (6/6/2007 10:33:14 PM) : Hi Tammy,

Thank you -- You are the Greatest

Please listen to my gift for you -- just sign here
and listen to Inner Peace & Wealth and share it with your friends.

Sweetgrame :-) - (8/19/2005 12:13:20 AM) : Hello Don,

Nice WebSite. I wish you the Very Best in your Business.

Your Friend,
Sweetgrame (Roz)
Don L. Price - (8/19/2005 12:13:20 AM) : Hello Roz,

I sincerely appreciate your rating.

Your Friend in Success,

Thomass Jaymess Erskine - (8/11/2005 12:06:36 PM) : Hi Don
Thank you for the invite my friend
Peace and Love
Lee Talmadge - (8/4/2005 9:32:10 AM) : Hi Don,
Great Website, Thank You for being a adland friend :-) I wish you best in your success
Don L. Price - (8/4/2005 9:32:10 AM) : Hi Lee,

Thanks for your rating....

Your friend in Success,



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