
Who is Jenean Matthews?

Jenean Matthews

Jenean Matthews
Member SinceMonday, May 29, 2000
Last ActivitySunday, December 09, 2007
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me
My passion is helping people.  I love to see people set goals and accomplish them.  Achieving goals come through hard work and commitment.  If people are realistic (not looking for a get-rich-quick scheme) and willing to persist and not give up, success will follow.  How a person defines success is an indivual thing.  Success may be spending time with family and friends, meeting financial goals, educational goals, a deeper commitment with God, you have to be the one to determine what's important to you.  Next put your goal in writing and determine WHY you want what you say you want.  What's your strong motivation for accomplishing your goals.  Through good times and hard times, what's going to keep you moving towards your goal?  Much success to you all, Jenean
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