
Who is Melvin C. Duncan?

Melvin C. Duncan

Melvin C. Duncan
BirthdayThursday, June 27, 1940
Member SinceThursday, January 20, 2000
Last ActivityFriday, August 10, 2012
LocationDennard, Arkansas, United States United States
About Me
About Me

Not much to tell. I was born near the town of Shirley Arkansas, Went on the road at age seven making the harvests from California to Canada and did that for ten years. I went to so many schools that I lost count.

Nothing very exciting has happened in my life. I married Sarah Elizabeth Van Horn at age twenty two (Sep 1962) We had five daughters which she had to raise because I was at sea most of the time while they were growing up.

I turned down some pretty handsome job offers so I wouldn't have to raise my daughters in a large city. Sometimes I wonder if maybe I should have taken one of the offers but that's all water under the bridge now.

We have 12 Grand children and three Great Grand child to date. Never fear, there will be more. I have written and published 23 books to date and have ideas for some more. Now that I have retired maybe I will get time to work on some of those ideas. I don't know why I want to write more, the ones I have aren't moving. Not for prosperity. 20 years in the service. Now, if I could just get these darn books to sell.

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