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Merry Makowski

134 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Very New and Very Exciting
12/30/2007 12:45:34 AM

This message is so great that I am trying to post it on different forums, so please don't be upset at me,

for I am doing this not only for my future profits, but yours also.  I am staking my head for this leader and this opportunity.

It is a long shoot and not immediate profit, but it could be priceless in your future.


There can be a big advantage in being the first to do something and the advantage can be ours if we act fast.


You have probably heard of Ken McArthur, but have you heard about his new beta site?


Ken is one of the best, real leaders in the marketing world and always has something great for his partners.


Now he is going to be giving away some pretty amazing
resources over the next six months as part of a HUGE book launch,
an incredible coaching program and a massive home study course.
Ken has been preaching about moving up the value of the
materials that you GIVE away for a long, long time so ...
That means there are some great ZERO COST materials coming!
In fact I have one for you today!:
But that's not the reason why this BETA launch and moving early
is so important.
Ken has designed his partner system so that the FIRST person to
get a member to register for one of his ZERO COST resources,
LOCKS that referral in for as long as they remain a member.
All you have to do is offer your subscribers great zero cost
Let's say that Jane Smith signs up today for Ken's amazing live
audio recording with best selling author Brendon Burchard.
As soon as Jane signs up, she becomes a member of Ken's new
site and for as long as you and Jane are active members, YOU
GET ALL OF THE COMMISSIONS on ANY of the products and services
that Jane may purchase for YEARS to come.
In this case, that could be huge!
There are going to be a whole series of high impact launches
coming out of this machine.
Career Press is featuring Ken's new book, "Impact: How to Get
Noticed, Motivate Millions and Make a Difference in a Noisy
World" as their LEAD book for the Spring book selling season.
I can't even tell you how big it's going to be.
It's going to be a HUGE pre-launch build-up, followed by a HUGE
book launch, a HUGE product launch and HUGE publicity for a
brand-new HUGE brand-new (oops, can't even tell you about that
one yet!)
Plus, Ken put together a great team of marketing experts to
promote the book, along with promises from joint venture
partners to promote the book to over 4.1 MILLION people, so
you are going to see an amazing amount of buzz about the
new book and products.
The FIRST person to refer ANYONE, will lock that person in.
After they grab that first zero cost resource they are in the
database and YOU are the person who gets all of the revenue
from future purchases.
That means that the early-bird really gets the prize this time
You can pick up the first resource and get signed up for the
partner program automatically at:
You are still very early, and the first gift is a great 48-minute live recording
with Ken and Brendon Burchard worth $97 all by itself, so don't
wait a second!




For me LINK BRANDER is a truly genius and easy to use tool, so much better then Viral URL and other alike.

Check it up, it won’t cost you a penny, and you won’t be getting any emails from them.

Please check it and share your opinion with me. 

I am always puzzled why people are still using TINY URL, if LINK BRANDER is here.

It not only protects your affiliate commission, but also builds your list and brands your business.


I want to fly high with SFI, care to fly with me… You might say “But to fly, we must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. “ Of course one cannot, but together we can :-)