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Linda Harvey

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Durian “Happy Juice” - The feel great juice discovery of the century!
12/20/2007 3:18:55 PM

Liquid Gold in a Bottle – Feel like a Million Bucks and Make Money Too!

You can make money with Durian too! If you’re feeling fantastic, don’t you think there are millions of other people who want to feel great too? Who doesn’t want to feel happier – The market for Durian is huge! There’s no selling required – Our system does the selling for you.

When you’re feeling good, your whole life will change. You’ll have a positive outlook, good things will happen, people will be attracted to you, you’ll make more money…think of the possibilities that open up in your life when you feel great and have high energy.

Linda Harvey

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Re: Durian “Happy Juice” - The feel great juice discovery of the century!
12/20/2007 3:26:50 PM

Durian “Happy Juice” Makes You Feel
So Good It Should Be Illegal

Think back to a day when you felt terrific. You were in a great mood… Everything was going your way… You couldn’t be stopped… You were on top of the world!

How’d you like to feel that good every day?

Announcing Durian Fusion The feel great health juice discovery of the century. One sip and you’ll be hooked on the delicious fruity taste and the pleasurable feeling that comes over you.

We call it “Happy Juice” for a reason…

…It makes you happy! In fact don’t say we didn’t warn you – Drinking too much Durian may cause you to start laughing for no apparent reason!

I know this seems hard to believe, but don’t take our word for it – We want you to experience it yourself and see. If you aren’t amazed by the pleasure you feel, you can return the empty bottle for a refund.

Durian is a mysterious fruit that has long been revered in Southeast Asia. It’s known as the King of Fruits due to it’s complete nutritional profile that’s unmatched by any other fruit. In fact, in Malaysia the Jakun Tribe lives on nothing but Durian for up to 2 months at a time.

Benefits of Durian

Durian contains high levels of tryptophan, which raises serotonin and melatonin levels in the brain. When serotonin levels increase, it elevates your mood, gives you a sense of optimism, and boosts your energy and metabolism.
Tryptophan helps support*:

    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • ADD/ADHD
    • Pain
    • Migraines
    • Stress
    • Insomnia
    • Weight Management

Durian also contains high levels of Organosulfur Compounds which support*:

    • Natural Cholesterol Levels
    • Cardiovascular Health
    • Antioxidant Capacity
    • Antibacterial, Antifungal, and Antiparasitic activity.
    • Beautiful Skin
    • Natural Blood Sugar Levels
    • Joint Health

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

When you’re feeling good, your whole life will change. You’ll have a positive outlook, good things will happen, people will be attracted to you, you’ll make more money…think of the possibilities that open up in your life when you feel great and have high energy.
Linda Harvey

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Re: Durian “Happy Juice” - The feel great juice discovery of the century!
12/20/2007 10:45:53 PM
Durian “Happy Juice” - The feel great juice discovery of the century!
Linda Harvey

7954 Posts
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Re: Durian “Happy Juice” - The feel great juice discovery of the century!
12/20/2007 10:46:22 PM

When you’re feeling good, your whole life will change. You’ll have a positive outlook, good things will happen, people will be attracted to you, you’ll make more money…think of the possibilities that open up in your life when you feel great and have high energy.
Steven Suchar

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Re: Durian “Happy Juice” - The feel great juice discovery of the century!
12/21/2007 8:45:37 PM
Hi Linda...Is Everybody Happy? :)
