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Thomas Richmond

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Ojeez Business Center Opportunity!
11/10/2007 11:18:57 AM
HI all , just wanted to tell you what we have been up to at Ojeez Business community and would like for you to come join me with this new opportunity. We just set this up about two weeks ago and we would like for you to get in on this. Thank you. Ojeez Co/Founder Thomas Richmond.

You will receive 25% ($5.00) for any $19.95 Business Center member you personally refer. As long as the member continues to use the business center you are paid month after month! These optional features would cost your customers hundreds of dollars a month on any other website.

Would you like to increase your affiliate commissions to 50% and take a leadership role with Ojeez?

Become an Ojeez Ambassador!

Get recognition … Become fully certified as an Ojeez Ambassador by enrolling into our training program for a one time $199.95 application fee. Pass the exam and your affiliate commissions will double from 25% to 50%. Not only will you continue to earn 25% ($5.00) on your personal referrals but now you will earn an additional 25% ($5.00) every month on who your referrals then refer. You will also be eligible to refer other Ojeez Ambassadors and receive a one time 50% ($100 ) commission Once the ambassador you have referred becomes certified and gathers one business center customer. (that customer may be themselve or someone else)

This certification will educate you on the value of monitoring the Community for proper business ethics, spamming policies, reporting as well as a full understanding of our entire product portfolio. The Ojeez Community is about every member coming together as one to assist each other in growing our businesses to the level we deserve. After passing certification we will meet via web-conference on a bi-monthly basis to mastermind on ways to improve the Ojeez Community. At the end of the training you will be given a test. You must receive an 80% score or higher on the test to become an Ojeez Ambassador.  http://Ojeez.Com/tmobil8 Social Network Marketing Join me on Msn IM or Yahoo IM-  I'll answer all your Q's and A's Thanks!!

AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Thomas Richmond

15469 Posts
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Re: Ojeez Business Center Opportunity!
11/16/2007 9:46:52 PM
You will receive 25% ($5.00) for any $19.95 Business Center member you personally refer. As long as the member continues to use the business center you are paid month after month! These optional features would cost your customers hundreds of dollars a month on any other website. There exists, in each and every one of us, an entrepreneur just waiting for the right idea to emerge and change the nature of all our lives. No mater how grand in scope or small in concept, there should not be any obstacle towards realizing the potential that each of you holds.

With this in mind Ojeez has been created, as a destination that we hope becomes a part of your family just like it has become a part of ours. People can use Ojeez to stay in touch with friends, family and business contacts, even make new friends, new business contacts and perhaps even gain new family members. Through the ability to post photos, videos, write about themselves and their adventures you can feel connected. Through the ability to collectively collaborate on business ideas, manage customer contacts, find resources, access Internet communication technologies, sell your products and services with e-commerce and more you can build your business. http://Ojeez.Com/tmobil8 Social Network Marketing

AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Thomas Richmond

15469 Posts
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Re: Ojeez Business Center Opportunity!
11/18/2007 5:40:57 PM
HI all , just wanted to tell you what we have been up to at Ojeez Business community and would like for you to come join me with this new opportunity. We just set this up about two weeks ago and we would like for you to get in on this. Thank you. Ojeez Co/Founder Thomas Richmond.

You will receive 25% ($5.00) for any $19.95 Business Center member you personally refer. As long as the member continues to use the business center you are paid month after month! These optional features would cost your customers hundreds of dollars a month on any other website.

Would you like to increase your affiliate commissions to 50% and take a leadership role with Ojeez?

Become an Ojeez Ambassador!

Get recognition … Become fully certified as an Ojeez Ambassador by enrolling into our training program for a one time $199.95 application fee. Pass the exam and your affiliate commissions will double from 25% to 50%. Not only will you continue to earn 25% ($5.00) on your personal referrals but now you will earn an additional 25% ($5.00) every month on who your referrals then refer. You will also be eligible to refer other Ojeez Ambassadors and receive a one time 50% ($100 ) commission Once the ambassador you have referred becomes certified and gathers one business center customer. (that customer may be themselve or someone else)

This certification will educate you on the value of monitoring the Community for proper business ethics, spamming policies, reporting as well as a full understanding of our entire product portfolio. The Ojeez Community is about every member coming together as one to assist each other in growing our businesses to the level we deserve. After passing certification we will meet via web-conference on a bi-monthly basis to mastermind on ways to improve the Ojeez Community. At the end of the training you will be given a test. You must receive an 80% score or higher on the test to become an Ojeez Ambassador.  http://Ojeez.Com/tmobil8 Social Network Marketing

AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Thomas Richmond

15469 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
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Re: Ojeez Business Center Opportunity!
12/21/2007 1:16:29 PM
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Thomas Richmond

15469 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
Re: Ojeez Business Center Opportunity!
12/27/2007 11:56:25 AM
HI all , just wanted to tell you what we have been up to at Ojeez Business community and would like for you to come join me with this new opportunity. We just set this up about two weeks ago and we would like for you to get in on this. Thank you. Ojeez Co/Founder Thomas Richmond.

You will receive 25% ($5.00) for any $19.95 Business Center member you personally refer. As long as the member continues to use the business center you are paid month after month! These optional features would cost your customers hundreds of dollars a month on any other website.

Would you like to increase your affiliate commissions to 50% and take a leadership role with Ojeez?

Become an Ojeez Ambassador!

Get recognition … Become fully certified as an Ojeez Ambassador by enrolling into our training program for a one time $199.95 application fee. Pass the exam and your affiliate commissions will double from 25% to 50%. Not only will you continue to earn 25% ($5.00) on your personal referrals but now you will earn an additional 25% ($5.00) every month on who your referrals then refer. You will also be eligible to refer other Ojeez Ambassadors and receive a one time 50% ($100 ) commission Once the ambassador you have referred becomes certified and gathers one business center customer. (that customer may be themselve or someone else)

This certification will educate you on the value of monitoring the Community for proper business ethics, spamming policies, reporting as well as a full understanding of our entire product portfolio. The Ojeez Community is about every member coming together as one to assist each other in growing our businesses to the level we deserve. After passing certification we will meet via web-conference on a bi-monthly basis to mastermind on ways to improve the Ojeez Community. At the end of the training you will be given a test. You must receive an 80% score or higher on the test to become an Ojeez Ambassador.  http://Ojeez.Com/tmobil8 Social Network Marketing Join me on Msn IM or Yahoo IM-  I'll answer all your Q's and A's Thanks!!

AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support