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Breathe Deep, Drink lots of Water
11/3/2007 6:29:39 PM
Greetings Friends: So many of us are struggling to maintain wellness in a stressful age of super fast foods and tremendous daily challenges. There are non-prescription remedies for our ailments. Discover alternative energy sources and treatments, techniques and daily practices to help optimize our human systems. Start by drinking lots of water, and the best water available for pennies on the dollar: Learn to breathe deep and oxygenate the blood for best circulation and performance. Join us with your ideas and remedies to common aches and pains.
Susanna Jade Angolani
Phillip Black

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Re: Breathe Deep, Drink lots of Water
11/3/2007 9:45:50 PM

Hi Jade,

Thanks for your kind Invite.  All I really wanted to say was AMEN to what you are saying.

I am 60 years young, and feel much better now than I did when I was 40.  I agree that water is one of the main Keys.  I religiously drink a minimum of eight 8oz glasses per day and not only does it help cleanse my system, it also curbs the between meal hunger pangs with which I used to be bothered.  As for diet, the main thing that I emphasize is that I no longer eat anything which ever had a face.  Believe me, it can sometimes be a Challenge during the Holidays, but it's well worth it to feel clean again.  Finally, walk, walk, and then walk some more, at least one hour per day.  Mornings are usually better, however, my schedule is strange so it varies.

As You said, THERE ARE NON-PRESCRIPTION SOLUTIONS for almost every ailment.  I have taken no Pharmaceuticals in over 20 years, only naturals.  I have not had a Cold during that time, the Ulcer that I had in my younger days has cured itself, and the Stroke-Level Hypertension which threatened to take me Home early back in my 40's, is well within normal ranges.

Our Creator has provided us with any and all things we could ever need on this planet in order to maintain good health and to be happy.  He also gave us Free Will to make own own decisions and choices.  The Choice is ours and ours alone.  Do we choose to continue to poison ourselves, or do we choose to live the way He would have us live, Good Stewards of our Bodies and our Resources.  Which choice will you make?

Have A Blessed Weekend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Peter Fogel

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Re: Breathe Deep, Drink lots of Water
11/4/2007 6:38:10 AM

Hi Susanna,

You got that one right. We're all struggling to maintain good health and it's not always an easy task. 

I must be doing something right though since my health is quite good.

I've been a water freak all my life. I drink around three liters of water a day and try to maintain a healthy diet. Not always so easy since there are so many temptations out there.

Good idea for a forum, I'll be visiting often to see if there is anything new here.

All the best & Shalom,


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Transform your Water, Transform your Life!
11/25/2007 2:18:27 PM
Yes, so many of us are dehydrated and operating at below optimal levels.
We all drink some kind of packaged water, but how effective is that?

I already knew that we can't trust our tap water because of the presence
of up to 2000 contaminants.
Specifically, I found:
a) Bottled Water: a real mish-mash of quality, often no more than filtered
tap water sold at outrageous mark-ups and at quite an environmental cost.
b) Reverse-osmosis and distilled water: completely ignored the medical evidence
of the dangers in the ongoing drinking of water that is void of minerals, acid
in nature and oxidizing.
I quickly realized that these products were either useless, overpriced or
potentially harmful long-term.
And the companies are smiling all the way to the bank.
I hope that you're not misled by false claims, and that YOU will take a look
at the resource below, for the sake of your health.

What if I could show you "The World's Most Perfect Water" ?
-A Perfect Water that energizes and pH balances your body.
-A Perfect Water than can even provide 10 Fruits & Vegetables a day!
-A Perfect Water that allows you to create massive wealth?
The Secret Code has been cracked. 
This product is patented and closely guarded with exclusive-global marketing rights.
-There is nothing like this product anywhere.
-You can learn what only the most-informed health & wealth insiders know.
-You can make good money every day with a hands-off system.
You can even become wealthy as one of the world's 1st distributor of this new product ! (No Fees)
-Are you serious and not just curious?  -Are you seeking health & wealth?
If you answered: YES, then you need to learn more now.

I am really passionate about this product - want you all to investigate this opportunity to improve your Health and Wealth at the same time. It is very cost effective and, in my opinion, an essential addition to our daily routine. Watch a short movie HERE.

Next time I'll talk more about pH values and our Health.

For now -

All the Best of Health and Wealth!

Susanna Jade Angolani

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