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Shawn Brown

172 Posts
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Are you fed up with Internet "junk food?"
9/25/2007 4:41:44 PM

This is Shawn brown again with another invitation.

Just as a steady diet of junk food will destroy
your health, the existing hype and lies on the internet will similarly sabotage your chances of generating wealth in an online home business.

If you're fed up with this "internet junk food," Tycoon Wealth System now offers the equivalent of the
"health foods" section of your local supermarket.

Isn't is sadly amusing what a "health foods" section
implies about all of the other products in a supermarket? ;-)

For those who are tired of chasing endless "get rich
quick opportunities" (aka scams), Tycoon Wealth System now offers a comprehensive and revolutionary system for building a solid and long-lasting online business.

I invite you to do a careful "taste test" by reviewing its many powerful features at the following website. . .

If you have any questions, just send a reply to this email.
I'll then get back to you ASAP.

To your success,

shawn brown