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Becareful of Nigeria scammers that claim there based in London
9/1/2007 1:22:48 AM

Don't accept any e-mail block them in you spam guard protection area. There is a place were you block the e-mail address's. that people saying needing online book keeper. Usually they send money grams sent by fedex. The money orders they claim you can make out to yourselves and no 2. They leave the signatures lines and address blank on the purchaser area. 3. Watch out for out of date checks or checks that is the next month date. Federal laws saids it's no good without a signatures and it's no good if you falsify the signature can't be vaild and if the refernce no doesn't match up with money gram. And doesn't have a pink dot.   Or anything wired to nigera with the password of code blue is a signal of a bad sign. 3rdly don't give out social security number.  Or bank accounts you will wipe out your identity.

Trying to help everyone here!


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Re: Becareful of Nigeria scammers that claim there based in London
11/18/2007 11:59:38 AM

Hello Everyone,

Allow me to introduce myself, I am Beef and have been marketing on the internet for sometime now.  I also love to help others be successful with their online marketing efforts.  I am part of a group of people that also love to help others become successful.  You can find us at Community Marketing University (CMU7), it is free to join and all the training is free.  You will also find some important tools you need to be Successful on the internet also free.


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