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This Is A Special Invitation
7/23/2007 9:37:10 AM



This is Terry Simpson from


I know you are busy, so I will try to make this

brief. The reason for this message is to invite you

to participate in a special Joint Venture opportunity.


On July 24th, 2007, Gina Gaudio-Graves and Henry Gold plan

to launch a MASSIVE giveaway,,

where you will be able to:


1. Get As Many Subscribers As You Can For Your Business.



   It means that if you receive 20,000 subscribers

   downloading your products, you'll receive 20,000

   subscribers who opt-in to your database.


   (e.g. some of our Version. I JV partners received

   over 7,800 subscribers during the campaign.)


2. Receive A Lot of Free Publicity For Your Name And

   Business, As There Will Be A Huge Number of Marketers

   who Participate in This Campaign.


   (Ex: With Henry Gold's campaign, He received over

   200,000 unique visitors in 30 days campaign)


3. Earn As Much Affiliate Commission As Possible with

   The Back-End and Down Sell.




"...After more than 5,500 brand new EAGER

money hungry Subscribers and over $3000

of product sales in less than 20 days, I'm

still enjoying continuous healthy

relationships with them."

                         - Lonnie Amirault



"...This is only day 1, but as of 1 minute

ago, I already had 514 opt-in leads from

this promotion."

                        - Jennifer Ambrose



"...I had no idea that I would get this

kind of response from such a short period.

I got 7,436 new subscribers in 14 days."

                         - Raamakant Sarda





All you have to do is donate one of your high quality

products for each visitor to download, tell your list

about this give away event, and earn up to 50% affiliate

commission automatically.


You can read all the advantages, guidelines, and sign

up for this event at:

(Take a look at this site. Wild Stuff!)


Better still, all the work is done! Email ads and

endorsement letters have already been written. All you

have to do is send one out to your list...and watch

your subscribers and orders come flooding in!




If you prefer, When you're ready to go, you can also

email us directly at:

and give us the following info:


1. Name of your Product contribution

2. Description of your product

3. Price of your product

4. URL Where Purchasers will go to get your product

5. Date of Your Mailing


Within 24 hours we will set-up your account information

and you will then receive all of the promotional tools

and strategies to get the most out of this campaign.


We're looking forward to building a huge

list for you during this campaign and we are very

confident that this is one event that you won't want

to miss.



Success is yours,

Terry Simpson


P.S. Here's the link to where you can

sign up right away and read how it all works!



P.P.S. If you are having difficulty in

signing up, you can contact me directly at:

I will help you go through this process together, as

I want to have both of us successful with this special




P.P.P.S. As of now, We've already received MORE THAN

351 Joint Venture partners and growing. We are very

confident that you'll benefit from this list building

