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Thomas Richmond

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Pt 3 of Colossians study - A Heart For Others
5/20/2007 12:40:07 AM

Hi family since i have time tonight and it does seem approprate today. The lessons  in Colossians 1:28-2:15. Want you to read those passages.  2.) What passion did Paul have? For what goal was he giving all he had, as God blessed him? b) How does God want to use you in the same way? c) What will you do today to fulfill this passage in your life? d) How will you let others help you toward being "perfect in Christ?" 3.) a) Paul talks in these verses about "struggling" for his brothers and sisters. What struggles will we have to willingly accept in order to help others get where they need to be? b) What is the secret to Paul's ability to keep up the struggle? 4. a) Read 2:6-15 and start taking careful note of the false ideas of which Paul is warning the disciples to be aware. b) Someone is probably telling the Colossians that they need Christ plus philosophy for the full life. What is paul's answer and warning? c) What philosophies are trying to influence you? 5. From vv. 9-15, why would you say you do not need Christ plus anything else to find your life?

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