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What's Coming Through That Needle? Cancer- Animal DNA - Aborted Fetal Tissue
5/13/2007 11:34:23 PM

The Problem of Pathogenic

Vaccine Contamination

By Benjamin McRearden


In recent times mankind is experiencing a situation never previously encountered, that being the threat of release of pathogens intended to kill or disable large numbers of people. That danger has prompted certain health agencies to prepare for possible mass vaccination of the populace. The purpose of this report is to examine the existing scientific evidence of pathogenic contaminants in vaccines. This summary, while making no claim of being a complete review of the subject, will point out sufficient examples and illustrations of contamination with bacteria, viruses, and their components, so as to enable the reader to make a more informed decision regarding accepting a vaccination (or forcing others to receive one). It is presented in a format intended for the public, their physicians, and their agency or governmental representatives, and may be freely copied in its entirety.


If you as an individual are too busy to read this brief summary in one sitting, please be aware there is ample evidence in the scientific literature that serious viruses, bacteria; or components and toxins there from; as well as foreign animal or cancer-related proteins and DNA are finding their way into the commercial vaccines intended for humans, pets, and agricultural animals.


If you are interested in the short and long-term health of yourself and those you care about, or serve as a public servant or medical advisor, you do owe it to yourself to be informed.


Click here to read the complete report.


What I am sharing with you is information to learn how some of these people recovered from sickness and disease. Many lives are being saved.  


Take time and watch these important online videos. The product for Detox that all of these people were taking to help them recover from disease is called Glyconutrients.


1- Channel 9 News Oklahoma Children with Cancer  - 3 minutes


2- Short Audios - Great Testimonies on Cancer, Asthma, MS health recoveries  


This is the web site for the company that has the Glyconutrients:  


The one thing that all of these people had in common as they were getting deeper into their illness is that their cells had been replicating diseased with the TOXIC LOAD of chemicals in their blood due to environmental TOXINS and yes the TOXIC load of vaccine ingredients too. So this means that the cellular communication of their cells had been hampered.


Who do you know with ADD/ADHD, Diabetes, chronic ASTHMA even Cancer?  Does all this make sense to you?


Sooner or later diseases like Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Heart disease, Cancer, and many more will appear and take the body over.


WHY? Because the cells have been replicating diseased. It takes 7 years for your body’s cells to regenerated itself completely.


If the person does nothing or just takes pHarma Drugs they will still be at risk of all these diseases have you heard of Diabetics going BLIND or Losing their legs to amputations? Guess what they were all taking pHarma Drugs for years but yet the disease took them over due to cells replicating in a TOXIC BODY.


Here is what must be done ASAP! Every one whether sick or not needs to do a DETOX so that the cells will receive help in cleaning themselves so that the body will start repairing damaged cells and STOP Acidosis and the replication of diseased cells.


If you decide that you want to do the detox please call me first. Every thing that you are reading here is critical to do. Call me first so we can make an action plan.


1-    Drink ph enhanced water with pH Basic Essential.  It will fortify your water with electrolytes and minerals and will make the water wetter in smaller water molecules that will penetrate deep into the cells and carry out the TOXIC waste.


2-     Buy Clay Bath. Will take out heavy metals through the skin.  


3-     Buy Chlorella, Spirulina, and Cilantro – Make a green drink and drink it every day. Will help with Detoxing Brain cells      


4-     Buy Ambrotose, Ambrotose AO, Immunostart, Plus, and Phytomatrix –

You can get this here:

Referred by Roberto AC


5-     Start eating more Alkaline Foods. Get the list here:  


After you have done the Detox you will need to take supplements in food form

That will help to repair and rebuild damaged cells especially Brain cells. In my opinion the products mentioned in step #4 are one of the best in the market that have been validated to rebuild damaged cells and immunity.

Go here to listen to great testimonies:


Prevention is the key if you want better health and longgevity, prevent Cancer and reduce the risk of disease do to low immunity.


To your health and success

Robert C


Re: What's Coming Through That Needle? Cancer- Animal DNA - Aborted Fetal Tissue
5/19/2007 8:17:41 PM

Attacking the DNA with infectious agents


It is said in the bible that in the last days the children will be able to communicate with God like no other generation has ever done and do great humanitarian things.


We have one common enemy that is doing all that they can to eliminate these children and Adults. They are using a concept and technique that has been very effective, to the point that it is attacking the DNA with infectious agents. The lethal mix of infectious agents are being injected directly into the blood stream of new born babies, children and adults and in the process these agents are altering the DNA thus braking the connection to GOD.


The DNA is an essential component of all living matter. It is very personal, for it contains the encoded information relative to both one’s physical and spiritual lineage. This information determines a person’s physical form, hereditary maladies, mental proclivities, emotional behavioral patterns, SPIRITUAL GIFTS, and more. DNA contains the blueprint for one’s life purpose and divine potentialities. It defines who we are! Until now, this stored information has been inaccessible to us save initiates of mystery schools, spiritual masters, and holy persons dedicated to serving the light.


Our human form is composed of 12 physical strands of DNA and 12 corresponding spiritual strands totaling 24 strands. The average person has only 1 strand activated, which accounts for limited brain use in humans.


I know that all Indigo Children and people have many strands of DNA activated, and as they get closer to GOD more strands will activate so that their purpose in life can be fulfilled.


So what is this infectious lethal mix? You guest it. It is Vaccinations.


The Composition of vaccines:

The information here originally appeared in, Homeopathy in Practice Journal. The information was taken from manufacturer's data sheets and which are available in the UK at libraries in the Data Sheet Compendium. "I also don't think vegetarians would be keen to vaccinate their children if they knew about the animal derivatives in the vaccines."

Louise Mclean


Zeus Information Service


[Note: in the USA The Physicians Desk Reference, often found in public libraries, is a good source of information. The vaccines also come with what are called "Package Inserts" which you may ask for from your doctor. Better yet, check out:   for download links to package inserts.



This information is taken from a book called Everything There is to Know about Vaccination by Joanna Karpasea-Jones (Helios Books, tel. 01892 537254, price £4,50).

[2nd edition published in 2000 - 'Fully revised and updated']


This information explains why some children react so badly. and in many cases develop Autism.


DPT Diptheria bacterium, pertussis organisms, tetanus toxoid, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, formaldehyde, hydrochloric acid, aluminium and mercury.


HiB Hib saccharides cultured on cow's brains, crm protein, sodium chloride, aluminium hydroxide, mercury.


POLIO 3 types of live polio virus, magnesium chloride, amino acid, polysorbate 80, purified water, neomycin, sulphate, streptomycin, penicillin and monkey kidney cell cultures.


MENINGITIS C meningococcal group C oligosaccharide and corynebacterium, diphteriae crm protein (fails to disclose what vaccine is cultured on), aluminium phosphate, sodium chloride and water.


MMR — live measles virus, live mumps virus, live rubella virus, chick embryo, human foetal cells, neomycin, sorbitol, gelatin.


HEPATITIS B — Hepatitis B virus gene, aluminium hydroxide, mercury (thimerosol), formaldehyde. For the genetically engineered vaccine: aluminium hydrochloride, sodium chloride and mercury.


INFLUENZA — Influenza virus, haemaglutinin and neuraminidase antigens A and B strains, gelatine, mercury , (thimerosol),formaldehyde, sodium chloride, mashed chick embryos, neomycin, polysorbate 80,


From Birth to 6 years of age the vaccination schedule indicates a total of 78 vaccinations. Can you imagine what this is doing to an Indigo child's DNA?


I hope that this gives you a better understanding of the challenges that we are up against and remember, Love Them Protect Them and Never Never Ever  Injected them.


Keytohealth- Robert


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