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Venerina Conti

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Ayurveda - Stages of Disease (Part 4)
4/18/2007 7:26:42 PM

Hello friends,


If you have been following my mini series on Ayurveda, you will appreciate this part which deals with the stages of disease.


In western medicine, a disease is treated only when the symptoms are manifest within the physical, whereas in Ayurveda, it is believed that when our vital energies, (the doshas), are out of balance with the physiological, for a length of time, an accumulation of toxic waste products, (ama), occurs and this is when disease will set in and spread.


Ayurveda believes there are six stages in the development of disease, called Kriyakala, three of the six stages are categorised as unmanifest, because they do not present symptoms within the physical; and three are classified as manifest because they present themselves in the physical.


However, it is believed, in Ayurvedic tradition, that each stage provides an opportunity to halt and possibly reverse the spread of the disease. Of course, the earlier it is detected, the quicker the process is reversed.  This implies catching the symptoms at a more subtle level.


The six stages of disease are classified as follows: accumulation, aggravation, dissemination, localisation, manifestation and disruption.


The accumulation stage is also known as the Sanchaya stage, which is the first stage of disease, (Kriyakala). A poor diet, negative thoughts, feelings and emotions, or an unhealthy lifestyle all contribute to the excess build up of one dosha or another which causes an imbalance. Symptoms are vague and ill defined.

In the aggravation, Prakopa stage, symptoms increase. The dosha imbalance becomes toxic in a certain area of the body, which begins to alter health on subtle level.


The Prasara, or dissemination stage marks the beginning of manifestation of the disease.  A person may experience a general discomfort or tiredness; the symptoms are not specific enough to be detected by conventional medicine in the western tradition.


During the fourth stage, Sthana Samsraya, (the localisation), symptoms take root in a particularly weak area of the body, which has either been previously affected by disease or is genetically predisposed to illness. A person will notice aches and pains or rashes.


By the fifth stage, Vyakti, (the manifestation), symptoms are fully present and the disease is recognizable as an infection, swelling or pain.


The final stage is known as the Bheda, (or disruption); this is the stage when the disease reaches a fully blown proportion and can be at its most dangerous level. Although it may take years and even decades to reach this stage, the illness may become chronic, incurable, or even cause complications and the development of secondary or tertiary illnesses.


The idea behind the “stages” concept is that disease should be prevented and/or, if necessary, caught at a subtle, early, stage, in order to prevent fully blown illnesses.  This, of course, is where a combination of nutrition, (food combining), meditation and massage with the use of oils come into play.


Be well...

