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A truck load of PLR Products are waiting for you !
4/11/2007 1:44:47 PM

I've come across a unique site that I think you should visit:

Let me tell you a bit about it: Several hundred (yes that's right, HUNDRED !) marketers have come together and are providing perhaps the largest range of f.r.e.e. info-products that you could ever let your eyes rest on !

Now while this is most definitely a f.r.e.e. site, there's a way around having to sign up to each newsletter to receive the products.

When you initially sign up, there is a One Time Offer where you get the chance to go directly to each of the contributors Download Page - which is estimated to save you 83 hours or subscribe/unsubscribe activity, as well as avoiding 5,000 extra emails per week.

That's right - per WEEK !

So you'll have no more "stuffing around" with those pesky extra emails, and you can grab a hold of a TON of PLR and MRR info-products, software, Adsense and Ebay items - all from the one site.

So if you think you'll need a few extra products to stash away for your online work, just visit :

Yours sincerely,

Bill Thorn

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