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Carl Vitale

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A Psalm of Carl: For those in a dark place in need of comfort:
2/11/2007 2:10:39 AM
O G-d how unsearchable are all your ways. I long to dwell in thy presence for all Eternity long. Yet I am but dust, a man made in your image and stained with sin by my own free will. I am desperate for You O L-rd, and if you do not rescue me I will cease to draw breath at your command.

O L-rd my G-d , I sink in the deep mire. My soul cries out within my heart to You. My soul is poured out continuously within me before the face of thine holy angels, they brought my cries for help before thy face, before thy Glorious Throne, upon thine holy altar..

O G-d , Just when I thought your judgment would come down upon me, You sent your mercies down upon me, your grace lifted me out of a horrible pit.. O G-d, my heart is forever thy ruling throne from now on and forever, days without number..

Great is the L-rd G-d of my Fathers, of Avraham (Abraham) of Yitz'chak (Isaac) and of Ya'akov (Jacob)..

The Mercy of Adonai endures forever, Amen..

By Carl Vitale~~~

copyright (c) 2007 Carl S. Vitale. All rights reserved..
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Re: A Psalm of Carl: For those in a dark place in need of comfort:
12/3/2007 1:19:41 AM
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