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MOST NEEDED Prayer(s) for myself!
1/11/2007 9:37:35 AM

Hi Everyone,

     I would like to ask everyone and other people to pray for me to have a better life in all ways and to make all my dreams come true.  I have Clinical Depression and it is becoming worse.  I have a verbally abusive family and they don't care of me well at all.  I still live with my parents (and I am 30 years old) because they won't allow me to move out (even though they don't know how to take care of me or treat me right).  I don't know how to drive.  It's too hard with my depression.  I receive government aid, but even the government won't allow me to have all the money.  They give it to my mom who only gives me about 14% of it because they see my parents as guardians and think they take care of me well.  They barely use that government money for me.  They just mostly use it towards the bills for their own house and other expenses and the government knows that.  I just want everyone here to please pray for me and ask other people if you can to please pray for me to have a better life or even start my life (independently).  Thank you very much!


Re: MOST NEEDED Prayer(s) for myself!
1/11/2007 12:34:16 PM
Sister Arlene: Trust God my Sister. So, there is still something to do. Learn to Drive. It's a New Year and time to experience things you have not experienced before. It's not that you can't, you must have the desire to reach towards the mark of a "Higher Calling". Thithe your 14% and God will do as He says. You have not because you ask not. Ask God, He hears the prayers of His daughters and Most importantly, He answers, Yes and Amen. You must seek Him while He may yet be found. Do you wait on others because you will grow weaker. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." Reach out to the Women's groups near you. Try Aglow I am sure that these "Powerful Wailing Women of God" can assist you to find your way. Independence is not what you need...What you need is Dependence, Dependence upon Him that will hear in heaven and answer you on earth....For the Earth is His and the fullness thereof. Please Email me and I will stand with you. For the Only True Independence there is, is "Dependence Upon Him.... Sincerely, Shirley Shaw DeliverTheWord
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Re: MOST NEEDED Prayer(s) for myself!
1/12/2007 10:57:12 AM
Dear Arlene,

I think Shirley gave you some good advise here.  Seek the Lord in this matter. 

Will certainly pray that you find peace within yourself and find a better way of life. 

God Bless You!

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Re: MOST NEEDED Prayer(s) for myself!
12/3/2007 1:20:28 AM
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