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Melaleuca ,The Wellness Company
12/17/2006 3:45:32 PM
If you are interested in your health or family health visit my web site
Natalya Restivo

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Re: Melaleuca ,The Wellness Company
12/17/2006 6:18:46 PM

Hi Vicki,

Thank you for your invitation to visit your forum.

I heard about products of your company, read about them, a few people invited me to join this business. I believe they are very good!

As for me, I am devoted to my NEWAYS. Why?

  • Because American company NEWAYS meets ALL people NEEDS, including:


    • Excellent herbals supplements that target body's specific needs through unique combinations of nutrients that work with yur body's inherent wisdom and wisdom of Chinese Emperor's Dinasty Ming wisdom which was tested by ages.
    • NEWAYS personal care products enhance the body's own synergistic renewal processe
    • NEWAYS skin care system provides the nutrient-rich ingredients the skin needs to renew itself and sustain a radiant, healthy glow.
    • NEWAYS household products are effective, they help feel confident about your home care knowing that
    • You can buy all these necessary things AT ONE PLACE!
    • Just go to:
The products we traditionally use, contain a lot of HARMFUL INGREDIENTS in them. Every day a woman puts on her skin at least 5 compounds that are considered to be CARCINOGENOUS. These compounds penetrate the skin and build up in cells and tissues.
Check out web site  and read about products that people traditionally use.
Breast Cancer Fund states: "There is a place where companies can sell products even if they contain ingredients linked to breast cancer. It's called the beauty aisle." Check and see.
If I ask you a question: Would you like to harm yourself? You could think that something was wrong with me.  Let me ask you another question. Why do you use all those products containing ingredients that are bad for your body?
Neways products are toxins free, natural, healthy and really change the way you look and feel.
You can not only use Neways products, but also join this business because of:
  • Love: you will love the products and will be happy to share them with your family and friends.
  • Car bonus program:
  • Income.  Pays $300-1,000 per per month for the car of your choice when qualified.
  •  Turn-Key Simple Success Key: Everyone can do it. Ongoing support and training.
To get more information about business opportunity, go to
Do you want more reasons?
  • NEWAYS is a well established, stable company, it is about 20 years old.
  • Ground floor in North America

And with Neways, you will always look young, feel great and full of energy!


I wish everybody health and wellness now and always!


I wish Happy Holidays to everybody!


