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Sam Hall

638 Posts
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This One Works For Me Take A Minute And See If It will Work For YOU
11/29/2006 12:34:25 PM
Are you still looking for a home based business?
I joined an awesome little start-up 5 weeks ago.
I have 14 personal sign-ups and over 80 in my group.
We're in the US and CA.
There is huge market potential to be one of the first in Canada.
The product is fantastic, the comp plan is crazy (3x4 matrix with 100% matching on 4th level and no personal sponsoring required) and my team system, PowerSystems, levels the playing field for anyone to be successful.
Here is our team site, and the corporate site,
Let me know what you think please.
Sam Hall
  "Get Plugged In"
My TriUnity Corporate Site:
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This super simple Home Business May Be: TO SIMPLE FOR YOU !
Re: This One Works For Me Take A Minute And See If It will Work For YOU
11/29/2006 12:48:34 PM

Hi All!

Prowealth is the best program for multiples streams of incomes.

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Sam Hall

638 Posts
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Re: This One Works For Me Take A Minute And See If It will Work For YOU
11/29/2006 4:48:08 PM

Thanks Steven I'll check it out


This super simple Home Business May Be: TO SIMPLE FOR YOU !
Re: This One Works For Me Take A Minute And See If It will Work For YOU
11/29/2006 6:29:45 PM

Dear sTEVEN,

Thanks Steven I'll check it out

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2.22 August 2006– USD1000.00 x 10% = USD100
3.22 September 2006– USD1000.00 x 10% = USD100
4.22 October 2006 – USD1000.00 x 15% = USD150
5.22 November 2006– USD1000.00 x 15% = USD150
6.22 December 2006 – USD1000.00 x 15% = USD150
7.22 January 2007 – USD1000.00 x 20% = USD200
8.22 February 2007– USD1000.00 x 20% = USD200
9.22 March 2007– USD1000.00 x 20% = USD200
10.22 April 2007– USD1000.00 x 25% = USD250
11.22 May 2007 – USD1000.00 x 25% = USD250
12.22 June 2007 – USD1000.00 x 25% = USD250
13.22 July 2007– USD1000.00 x 30% = USD300
14.22 August 2007 – USD1000.00 x 30% = USD300
15.22 September 2007– USD1000.00 x 30% = USD300
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Linda Harvey

7954 Posts
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Re: This One Works For Me Take A Minute And See If It will Work For YOU
11/29/2006 7:42:34 PM
Are you still looking for a home based business? I joined an awesome little start-up 5 weeks ago. I have 14 personal sign-ups and over 80 in my group. We're in the US and CA. There is huge market potential to be one of the first in Canada. The product is fantastic, the comp plan is crazy (3x4 matrix with 100% matching on 4th level and no personal sponsoring required) and my team system, PowerSystems, levels the playing field for anyone to be successful. Here is our team site, and the corporate site, Let me know what you think please. Sam Hall Thank you for the information Sam ! Linda