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Do You Live In The SOMEDAY Aisle
11/22/2006 11:07:54 AM

Do You Live In The SOMEDAY Aisle
by Kathleen Gage

Chances are you have begun reflecting on the past year and
thinking about the coming year. There is also a very strong
possibility, many of the dreams and goals (resolutions) you set
nearly a year ago, have since been either forgotten or put in
the someday aisle.

Someday, I'll eat healthier.
Someday, I'll take that dream trip.
Someday, I'll clean that junk drawer.
Someday, I'll call my dear friend from high school.

Whatever the someday is, the reality is today is that day. How
many some days pass by before they become a month, a year, a

Whatever you have put in the some day aisle, make a commitment
to take one action on it today. It is by taking action we make
way for miracles to happen.

If your some day includes writing and publishing a book, I
invite you to join me on Wednesday, November 29th for a FREE
teleconference entitled, Discover How to Write, Publish and
Market a Book with No Out of Pocket Expense.

I have very limited spots left and they are going fast. (I
announced the session yesterday to a small group of people and
over half the spots are already filled)

To register please visit

Because I am a published author (many times over) and a best
selling author, I am frequently asked how to not only write a
book, but also get it published and take it to market. I have
often been told by those who have not seen the behind-the-scenes
work that has gone into any of my book projects how lucky I am.

I have to say, luck has very little to do with it. Sure, in any
success there is an element of luck. Yet, truth be told, it is
about having a vision and doing the footwork to accomplish that

Recently, I had the opportunity to spearhead a book campaign for
Utah-based author, Darlene Braden. On October 18th her book
became an bestseller. It was an incredible experience
for both Darlene and myself as we watched her book rise on the
charts. To say she has experienced incredible opportunity since
becoming a bestselling author is an understatement.

There will be some people who tell Darlene how lucky she is. The
fact is, without the work she put into writing her book, hiring
an editor, a cover designer, getting the book published and
hiring a marketing director (yours truly - me) for her book
launch, she would not have the success she enjoys today with her

It has been said, "Successful people are willing to do what
unsuccessful people are not." Darlene Braden is a great
example of one who was willing to do what others were not. And
rather than talk about how someday she will have a bestselling
book, she now does.

How many people talk about writing a book, but never even put
pen to paper? Or they may write a book, but never show it to an
editor. Maybe they get it edited but…. Well, you know that

If you, or someone you knows, has a dream of writing a book and
having it published, please join me on November 29th for my free
teleconference Discover How to Write, Publish and Market a Book
with No Out of Pocket Expense. I would love to help you fulfill
your dream.

I have very limited spots left and they are going fast. To
register please visit

Remember, luck doesn't just happen; we create it. And today is
your someday.

My best to you and yours for a wonderful holiday season and an
incredible 2007.

For more articles by Kathleen Gage, who is TC4Women's resident Internet Marketing Expert, Mentor and valued friend visit either our main site or forum.

to your continued success

John Elliott aka Oaky Wood & Luella May


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