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Your Identity Has Been Stolen, Now What?
11/15/2006 6:05:44 PM

I just got a call from a customer who told me they just received the shock of their life. Their credit card was declined for a transaction with me because someone has charged her card other than herself and now she is over her limit. She is in shock.

She is now a victim of identiy theft. Do you think the bank helped her? No. They didn't believe her that she did not do the charges.

She does not have identity theft protection. You should. Do not let her experience be yours. It is ugly. The banks are not your friends here. They do not want to be left holding the debt. They would rather make your prove you did not make the purchases.

Get Identity Shield Now

This lady did not have identity shield. It does not work for existing conditions. I told her to get it anyway because once you are a known target, guess what, yup, you guessed it, they come back again and again.

If you are a victim and do not have Identity Shield, these resources will be helpful.


Identity Theft 911

It is a lonely world out there when you are a victim. The best thing to do is prevent that from happening if you can. If not, get help, get it now. The longer you wait, the worse it gets.

DB Research, LC - David aka DrDA, The Health Detoxor, America's Dr of Detoxology
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Re: Your Identity Has Been Stolen, Now What?
11/15/2006 6:18:23 PM
Yes David, that same thing happend to me a few years ago. I almost went to jail. If it had not been for my log book showing where I was, I would most likely still been in that trouble.

Nick Sym

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Re: Your Identity Has Been Stolen, Now What?
11/15/2006 8:18:57 PM

David, thank you for the information. We had the same thing happen when I opened a Pay-Pal account and someone got a hold of the number and tried to make several purchases.

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The Drummerboy

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Re: Your Identity Has Been Stolen, Now What?
11/16/2006 2:43:40 AM

Hi David!

I would opt to sell everything I have.....and move to Mexico......drink Tequila all day and nap in the warm sun under my sombrero!  LOL  :-)

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!


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