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Mary Hofstetter

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Pleasant or Pests--popups at work
7/2/2006 3:51:11 AM
From the forum, "Cool or Confusion" the following information was gathered by all those many who visited. For 12 days we discussed the pros and cons of popups. Solutions to assist the annoyed and benefits to make them acceptable were the hot topic. The forum is still open but will be unattended. 5660 had visited the forum by 8:00 EST July 1. Many of you sent your friends which shows community spirit. Bogdan came on board and assured us that they could help by moving them and changing the size. We learned how to close them or turn them off if we wished. He willingly worked with the forum participants. Some statistics: More disliked them than appreciated and used them as a tool. Perhaps so, because people who are annoyed tend to speak up while pleased people just merrily go on their way. The sample was too small to make any conclusions as to their popularity. ANNOYED >they are distracting >work on the screen was covered with the pop up box >those with limited time to be on Adlandpro did not want to be bothered >motion on the screen >when interested could not always get there on time >pop ups do not fit the person business model BENEFITS >unique to Adlandpro >saw a friends picture--reminded they need to contact that person >new faces--invite them to friends list >See where forums are in progress (Where the action is) >Join new forums >Last only 10 sec. >Bogdan reported more people are logging on now >people reported their friends list is rapidly growing using the new tools, both pop ups and slide show. >Original forum not of interest but then see that the posts are inviting and lively >Some repeated great increase to their sites in recent days >more ads seen-increased exposure-all members can view WE HAVE A NEW BREED OF ADLANDER "POP UP CHASERS" DEALING WITH POP UPS >close or ignore >stop them- right click, menu, options, open new message >refresh when you open >clean up your language- children may be reading >not all readers are Adlanders-potential new members checking us out. >non-friends list persons will see your posts >to limit viewing by others create private forum >to limit posters create moderated forum >non friends list people will enter your forums >Read on RSS reader CONCLUSIONS You may like, dispise, ignore but they are a valuable tool. Each individual can choose to use or not. If they frustrate you take action-ignore or turn them off To ask that they be removed, would deney others of this tool Many who hated them changed their mind when they learned of their usefulness. Bogdan tells us there are more valuable tools coming. If something bothers you here, don't complain--- do something constructive
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Pleasant or Pests--popups at work
7/2/2006 4:03:27 AM
Hi Mary, great report. :-) I'm one who wasn't too excited by them and ended up loving the new feature. Tho, I'm not quite a chaser?! LOL Have a wonderful weekend, Anamaria
Jenny SJ

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Re: Pleasant or Pests--popups at work
7/2/2006 6:05:13 AM
Hello Mary, Like 'em or not - and I certainly think they are a very positive addition - they have changed the (panda-less) face of Adland. It must be the only Community on Internet where you can follow forums in "real time" - which is quite an achievement when you remember the number of different time zones we all live in. An interesting side effect (or is it a side effect LOL) is that it seems to have increased the time people are spending here at Adland! Have a great day all - I'm taking a deep breath and switching the computer OFF! Saludos Jenny
Re: Pleasant or Pests--popups at work
7/2/2006 6:29:30 AM
Hi there! I found the forum pop-ups extremely annoying at first because they would always get in the way of what I was doing. However, now I only find them mildly annoying because I have started using them as a tool to grow my friends list. :) Later, Flo :)
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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Pleasant or Pests--popups at work
7/2/2006 8:05:42 AM
Good Morning Adlandpro This report will be following the sun as it makes its daily journey across the sky. We are now being read in the EST. So as the world wakes up, we here at Adlandpro will be waking up to the idea that pop ups are here to stay and yes, women do have the right to change their minds. Thanks for reporting in from Romania and Spain. Hello Canada and USA. Did someone forget to waken our Asian friends?