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God still saves mankind
4/23/2006 4:10:22 PM
The Bible tells us that even after mankind had sinned and disobeyed God's commandments for years and years, God still wanted to save mankind from suffering, sorrow and poverty. To save us, God sent Jesus Christ, His own Son, into the world to show and to teach mankind how to live in such a way as to have health, happiness, prosperity and every other blessing that God, in His greatness and love, wants mankind to enjoy! How wonderfully positive God's love for mankind is! It depends on the extent to which you can develop your faith on what Jesus Christ brings to us. Think about it.
Re: God still saves mankind
4/23/2006 4:11:59 PM
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Marion Tucker

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Re: God still saves mankind
5/3/2006 8:18:02 AM
Amen Sister Kelly! Thanks for posting in my forum. God Bless! Marion
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Re: God still saves mankind
5/7/2006 7:02:34 PM
Amen. It is GOD'S desire that we prosper even as our SOULS prosper. He lovesus so-o-o-o much. Grace and Peace to YOU Eric NBC and FOX News brief on solution to high gas prices.
Grace and Peace to you Eric