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Laser hair removal in Bangalore at Dr. Dixit Dermatology
1/13/2022 10:01:56 AM
Want smooth and hairless skin? Traditional methods of hair removal like waxing, threading, epilation, and shaving have several shortcomings. The hair tends to return very quickly, ingrown hair bumps formation take place and most methods cause damage to the surface skin layer. Dr. Rasya Dixit, one of the best dermatologists in Bangalore provides advanced laser hair removal treatment. The laser technology selectively targets the melanin of the hair roots into hair follicles, and this pigment in the follicles absorbs the light and destroys the hair follicles. The laser technology can remove hair from the face, legs, back, arms, underarms, chin, bikini line, shoulder, abdomen, and other areas. The results offered by the treatment are long-lasting as the hair follicles are targeted in their anagen phase (active growth phase). Make a visit to Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic to get the best laser hair removal in Bangalore.
RE: Laser hair removal in Bangalore at Dr. Dixit Dermatology
1/13/2022 10:21:43 AM
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RE: Laser hair removal in Bangalore at Dr. Dixit Dermatology
3/6/2023 11:00:02 AM
Gardening scapes is a casual game where your objective is to restore the beautiful garden in a grand mansion. To do so, you'll have to build benches, fountains, hedges, statues, lampposts, trees, and other decorative elements to give a unique look to your garden.
