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Click Here Only If You To Consult A VIP Doctor.
5/12/2020 4:25:35 PM


Ladies And Gentlemen,

Our goal is to provide this service to every single American who needs it. We love our country, we love protecting its citizens, and in turn people like Linda Dominguez love what we do:

Why Telemedicine is the Future of Health Care

They say an average trip to the doctors, even with medical insurance, costs you about $50 every time you go and thats not including specialists. This factors in the average drive time of 35 minutes, the mandatory co-pay, the time it takes for the actual meeting, plus the cost of any medication you might need to take.

In 2017 the average monthly premium for a family of four costs just over $1,200. But what if there was another way to get all the benefits of a costly insurance plan, for less than $30 a month for the whole family?

That’s exactly what VIP Doctor on Demand offers. With our simple, intuitive, and efficient program you’ll have access to priceless benefits and services.

Are you looking for a Doctor OR a Specialist?

You can now Connect to a Doctor Any Time Using Your Phone, Tablet, or Computer!

Video Chat, Call, Text, Or Email For Instant Diagnoses, Treatments & More!

Over 50 Medical Conditions

Treated Over the Phone of Computer!

  • Common cold
  • Allergies
  • Constipation
  • Cough
  • Diarrhea
  • Ear Problems
  • Fever
  • Flu
  • Headache
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Sore throat
  • UTI (Adult Females, 18+)
  • Vaginitis
  • and more...

200,000 Satisfied Users and Counting

Ladies and Gentlemen To Have Additional about VIP Doctors I am inviting you to click on this specific Blog link.

To have more details concerning VIP Doctors please click on this SPECIFIC Link.

Contact AVINASHSHINGH MOHUN HOSANEE if you need more details. I am always here to give you full assistance.


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