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Best Dermatologist in Delhi
1/6/2020 11:55:00 AM
Skin is the largest and visible organ of the body. It reflects the health of an individual and also acts as a barrier against harmful environmental conditions and pathogens. Everyone encounters skin disease once in a lifetime. A dermatologist is a specialist doctor that manages to provide the best treatment and care to treat mild to severe skin diseases and also help correct skin, nails, and hair cosmetic concerns. A dermatologist can help treat cosmetic issues which helps patients in revitalizing the appearance of their skin and nails. Dr. Rohit Batra is the best dermatologist in Delhi who uses gold-standard technology for every procedure and skin type to treat the skin and hair concern effectively. He is an adult, pediatric and cosmetic dermatologist and dermato-surgeon based in New Delhi. Skin and hair problems not only affect the physical appearance but also impact the mental health of an individual. Everyone focuses on making the skin healthy, clear and smooth after the treatment. Get in touch with the best dermatologist doctor in Delhi at Dr. Rohit Batra’s DermaWorld Skin Institute and get treatment for all general to cosmetic skin and hair concerns with the application of advanced treatments.

Address: Q-4, RAJOURI GARDEN, NEW DELHI – 110027

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