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Luella May

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Colloidal Silver Testimonials- Eye Infection & Herpes
2/18/2019 2:32:09 PM
Colloidal Silver Testimonials- Eye Infection & Herpes

Eye infection

EYE INFECTION: The silver is a miracle medicine!. Last night I had such an irritating, scratchy feeling in my eye, I was ready to go to the hospital. It had been getting steadily worse throughout the day. I had tried eye drops and soaking it with warm water, nothing helped. Finally I thought what the heck, I’ll try the silver in my eye. I soaked a cotton ball and rubbed my lid and squeezed a little into my eye. After about a minute, I had a stinging sensation that lasted about 10 seconds, then the pain and the scratchiness was gone. I couldn’t believe it. Today I am completely back to normal. Read More.

HERPES: My daughter has Genital Herpes and has a breakout quite often on her back side. I gave her a bottle and told her to take it everyday and also spray on the rash, which she did and viola!!! gone. -E. Walters Read More.

The Best Colloidal Silver on the Planet

Contains about 30 ppm of .9999 pure silver in de-ionized water. Silver inhibits the growth of one-celled organisms, (such as bacteria and viruses) by deactivating the organism's oxygen metabolism enzymes. In turn, this destroys its' cell membranes, stopping the replication of its' DNA. Also has strong anti-cancer properties

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