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5 Elusive Words And Phrases That Sell!
2/28/2006 5:18:27 AM
1)a couple hours a week - This copywriting phrase will earn even in an insubstantial niche. It will switch uncertain people into cash flow. It will help make you a wealthy copywriting expert. 2)a custom designed - This copywriting phrase will succeed even in a fragile niche. It will turn ad scanners into advocates. It will help make you a notable salesman. 3)a cut above the rest - This copywriting phrase will profit even in a delicate market. It will change candidates into wealth. It will help make you a comprehensive promotional master. 4)a date with destiny - This copywriting phrase will generate income even in an unstable market. It will switch co-registrations into revenue. It can even blow up your resellers. 5)a detailed - This copywriting phrase will make dough even in a small marketplace. It will shift visitors into resellers. It will give you the declaration to produce dough.

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