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Butch Hamilton-Freelance Writer for Hire!
11/29/2017 12:29:56 PM
Butch Hamilton-Freelancer!

Freelance Writing for Websites, Blogs, Forums, Images, Press Releases, Videos, Podcasts and Classified Advertising.

Butch Hamilton-Freelance Writer for Hire!

Creatively, expressively, persistently, aggressively and professionally creating the best content for clients since 2004. Content on the web in 2017/2018 is the one determining factor that anyone currently possessing a website that represents a worthy endeavor, will make the decided difference between success and failure. The type of content written, the number of readers who actually view and understand the writing, and the interest level put forth within the content is, and always has been the one thing that stands between gaining notoriety and presence on the web, and never being seen.

For many, having a "great looking" website is believed to be the factor that determines success. This is indeed a most misrepresented statement. Good looking websites do not get noticed, do not get visitors and do not make money! The bottom line in the great equation of how to make money online is...


The one proven way to gain traffic is not some secret software program. It is not some guru who spouts claims of instant success and gaining riches beyond belief for no effort. It is not hype, scam or claims that sound too good to be true. Marketing successfully on the web is driven by one single factor.


Websites, blogs, forums, press releases, videos, Podcasts, images and classified advertising that contain the best content will come out the winner on the web! The search engines of Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Apple and the others, are geared to assimilate one thing.


Without great keyword specific content found on published sites of all kinds, there is not a world wide web! The entire Internet is driven by three deciding factors.

Ad Content, Keywords and Links

Without these three elements locked firmly in place, and providing good information to actual readers, there is no purpose to have the world wide web in the first place. Indeed, the scammers, liars, cheaters and hackers have done their best to usurp the search engines; however, and thankfully so, the programming engineers for the major search engines still program their bots to find the BEST INFORMATION, and place that information to the top of the list on keywords. Therefore, once again, content reigns superior on the web, and will always be just that way!

Butch Hamilton-Freelance Writer for Hire!
Creative Content for Clients Seeking Concrete Results on Google!
Writing Service!

Wildcat SEO Service

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