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Daniel Meritt

541 Posts
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Person Of The Week
11/16/2016 4:11:34 AM

This has to be the BEST SITE I have seen in awhile if your after NEW LEAD's.
Get this .. I joined for FREE and walked away . I came back 2 days later and I had 4000 New Leads in my Money Line I could send a message to with my link to 4000 New People in only 2 days and I did NOTHING but JOINED for FREE .

Today is the 4th day since I joined and I have 6000 in my Money Line to message and build a relationship with and send them a link and its all FREE to JOIN !

Join for FREE

PLEASE take a Min and watch this Video and you will see for yourself.

Try it out yourself .. Join for FREE and wait a day and log into your account and see for yourself.

If you Join from HERE for FREE I will keep this Forum going and Update you you and answer any questions you may have.!

I will post more Video's in the next Post.

Here is an Audio of the Conference call .. It is very good and Explains Everything Very Well !


I think this is FANTASTIC and FREE place to get 10,000 NEW LEADS in a Week !
That is Powerful !

Join for FREE

Thank You in Advance for being part of my Team !

Daniel Meritt

541 Posts
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Person Of The Week
11/16/2016 5:39:41 PM
After me Signing up for FREE 4 days ago.
This is Powerful ! and FREE !

Daniel M., Your has ieased again in the last 24 hours! (Your Stats Below) Thank You for your continued interesupport o

MoneyLine Joinees

Last 24 hrs: 839
Total in your MoneyLine: 6905

These are all NEW LEAD's I can contact today with any offer I like !

That is Powerful folks ! and FREE to Join and Try for Yourself

Sign up for FREE and come back 1 day later and see for yourself !

Daniel Meritt

541 Posts
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Person Of The Week
11/22/2016 6:52:07 PM

I have had a good chance to try out Global Money Line
Wow I am VERY SURPRISED at how many NEW LEAD's
I have received in the last 7 days since i joined.

Just to keep you updated on Global Money Line I will Post Here how I am doing so you can see it for yourself first before you

Join for FREE !

Day 1 - I joined for FREE
Day 3 - I Upgraded to the Bronze Lever $ 20.00
Day 7 - I have 17 People Signed up Under My Link so far 2 Have Upgraded to Bronze $ 20.00
- My Money Line has Grown over 1200 PER DAY
- My Money Line is now at 11,000People
I can send a Message to with a Link in it All for FREE !

We all want Value when we sign up to something ?
Here you go 11,000 New Lead's to contact all for FREE
Is that Good Value ?

Now that I have 2 Singed up under me I have 3 Sales all together ( You are your own customer )
I can now be an IR Independent Rep

When you are an IR
- When somebody you signed up Upgrades you get 100% of the money
- Anybody they sign up that upgrades you get 50%

ANYBODY that is in your Money Line that Upgrades the Money goes to 50% to 1 person above them that is an IR
and the second 50% to the next above him . This happens on a random basis so even if you did not sign them up you still get paid !

All in I love Global Money Line .

I feel I will get great Value for the time I spend here and the money I spent.

I hope you come and Join Me and Sign Up for FREE

Try it out for a few days and see yourself .


Daniel Meritt

541 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
11/26/2016 8:39:19 PM