
Devasish Gupta

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Feminine Power Meditations on Love, Purpose & Prosperity... Join 300,000 Women T
11/14/2016 4:46:24 PM

Feminine Power Meditations on Love, Purpose & Prosperity... Join 300,000 Women To Manifest Your Desires!


I believe women will play a profound role in creating a better world for us all.

So I’m thrilled to share a special invitation from my good friend Claire Zammit, Ph.D.c, to attend her FREE online seminar for women on The 3 Keys to Feminine Power.”

Claire is the leader of the Feminine Power global learning community and co-founder of Evolving Wisdom, and has helped more than 300,000 women worldwide create extraordinary lives with the tools and trainings she has developed.

And when you register for her no-charge training, you’ll also receive one of those tools at no charge—a brand-new series of guided Feminine Power Meditations that will help you to:

Ignite your confidence
Attract love
Discover your greatness
Expand your prosperity
Deepen your intuition
Express your creativity
Impact the world with your gifts

Register Here as My Guest for ‘The 3 Keys to Feminine Power’:

During the event, Claire will reveal her ground-breaking approach to generating genuine intimacy, deeper connection, creative expression, supportive community, meaningful contribution, and authentic success.

Learn how to quickly step into your power to create the future you dream of—and the future the world needs, now more than ever—with Claire’s online training.

Even if you can’t attend live, when you register through the link below, Claire will send you the meditation series and will give you access to the recording after the event is over:

Discover Your Feminine Power — At No Charge:

If someone gave you tools that could uplevel every area of your life, would you use them?

The 3 Keys to Feminine Power will show you how to break through the inner barriers that keep you from experiencing the life you were meant to live.

Don’t miss it: this one-night-only event is FREE!

Join thousands of women around the globe for an evening that will transform your life!

The 3 Keys to Feminine Power, a FREE livestream workshop with my good friend Claire Zammit, will show you the proven techniques to immediately bring more meaning, energy, joy and connection to your world.

Career, Money, Partnership, Contribution.

The Keys to Feminine Power, a FREE Online Seminar with Claire Zammit, Ph.D.c, will give you the tools to transform each of these areas of your life and help you realize your full potential.

Discover Your Feminine Power — At No Charge:

Don’t miss this powerful one-night-only event!

Feminine Power Meditations on Love, Purpose & Prosperity... Join 300,000 Women To Manifest Your Desires!

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